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Transcriptome data: salinity adaptation in Rhithropanopeus harrisii across an estuarine gradient


Rhithropanopeus harrisii is a common estuarine crab native to the East and Gulf Coasts of North America. Here, it is found along a broad range of salinities, spanning from ~1 PSU to ~25 PSU along estuarine gradients. As part of a larger study on the species' potential use of low-salinity refuges from parasitism, we tested for differences in gene expression with salinity using crabs from three distinct estuarine reaches along the Pamlico River in North Carolina. We acclimated crabs collected at natural sites with 1, 5, and 11 PSU mean salinity to 0.8, 3, and 15 PSU in the laboratory for one week and sequenced gill tissue (second posterior gill) from each group using mRNA-Seq.

Data in this repository includes information on sequenced samples (*csv), the de novo transcriptome assembly (two versions: with and without expression filtering; *.fasta), transcriptome annotation from EnTAP (two files: using the runN and runP functions; *.tsv), a spreadsheet of normalized read count data from salmon pseudo-alignment (*.tsv), high-quality SNPs identified from the transcriptome sequencing with GATK (*.vcf), and three custom scripts used in processing the SNP data (*.py and *.R).

Raw sequence data is archived in GenBank's SRA: BioProject PRJNA730785, BioSamples SAMN19241288-SAMN19241333.