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Vegetative cover, light availability, and Buckthorn performance in five forest revegetation treatments

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Schuster, Michael (2022). Vegetative cover, light availability, and Buckthorn performance in five forest revegetation treatments [Dataset]. Dryad.


Data describing the cover, light availability, and buckthorn performance of five forest revegetation treatments (passive restoration, herbaceous seeding, sedge planting, shrub planting, and tree planting). 


Methods described in "Using plants to control buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica): Improved biotic resistance of forests through revegetation" published in Ecological Engineering.


Small_Treatment  Description Seeded? Fenced?
SF Seeded Yes Yes
F Control No Yes
T Tree Yes Yes
W Shrub Yes Yes
S Sedge Yes Yes

NA = "Not Available" or "Not Applicable" - Values were not measured

Focal_plant_found (Phytometers_Standing) description
F marked focal seedling found
NF marked focal seedling not found (marker found, but no seedling was present - presumed dead)
leaf_status (Phytometers_Standing) description
LI Leaves intact
LD Leaves damaged (more than 25% of leaf area missing)
DEAD No leaves present, plant presumed dead

Exclude_after_this = whether plants were excluded from later calculations either because it was used for allometry, damaged by a falling tree, or otherwise no longer informative (1=yes)


Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center, University of Minnesota