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Supporting data for assessing impacts of satellite GPS transmitters on survival, nesting propensity, and nest success of greater sage-grouse

Data files

Dec 08, 2023 version files 265.48 KB


Telemetry technology and data are commonly used to study behavior and demography of wildlife. Satellite-based, global positioning system (GPS) telemetry allows researchers to remotely collect a high volume of fine-resolution animal location data but may also come with hidden costs. For example, recent studies suggested GPS transmitters attached via backpacks may reduce survival of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) relative to very high frequency (VHF) telemetry transmitters attached via collars. While some evidence suggests GPS backpacks can reduce survival, no studies examined their effects on sage-grouse breeding behavior and success. We compared survival, breeding behavior, and nest success for sage-grouse hens marked with either VHF collars or GPS backpack transmitters in central Idaho, USA. GPS backpacks reduced spring-summer survival relative to VHF collars, yet GPS backpacks did not consistently affect nest success or the likelihood or timing of nest initiation relative to VHF collars. Daily nest survival varied annually and with timing of nest initiation and nest age, but marginal effects of transmitter type were statistically insignificant, and interactions between transmitter type and study year were inconsistent. These results demonstrate the effect of GPS backpacks on sage-grouse survival but also suggest GPS backpacks do not appear to affect components of fecundity.