Complementary effects of pollination and biocontrol services enable ecological intensification in macadamia orchards
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In many crops, both pollination and biocontrol determine crop yield, whereby the relative importance of the two ecosystem services can be moderated by the landscape context. However, additive and interactive effects of pollination and biocontrol in different landscape contexts are still poorly understood. We examined both ecosystem services in South African macadamia orchards. Combining observations and experiments, we disentangled their relative additive and interactive effects on crop production with variation in orchard design and landscape context (i.e. cover of natural habitat and altitude). Insect pollination increased the nut set on average by 280% (initial nut set) and 525% (final nut set), while biocontrol provided by bats and birds reduced the insect damage on average by 40%. Pollination services increased in orchards where macadamia tree rows were positioned perpendicular to orchard edges facing natural habitat. Biocontrol services decreased with elevation. Pest damage was reduced by higher cover of natural habitat at landscape scale but increased with elevation. Pollination and biocontrol are both important ecosystem services and complementary in providing high macadamia crop yield. Smart orchard design and the retention of natural habitat can simultaneously enhance both services. Conjoint management of ecosystem services can thus enable the ecological intensification of agricultural production.
This README file was generated on 2023-10-04 by Mina Anders.
- Title of Dataset: Complementary Effects of Pollination and Pest Control enable Ecological Intensification in Macadamia Orchards
- Author Information A. Principal Investigators Contact Information Name: Ingo Grass Institution: Universität Hohenheim Address: Stuttgart, Germany Email:
B. Principal Investigators Contact Information
Name: Catrin Westphal
Institution: Georg-August Universtiy Göttingen
Address: Goettingen, Germany
C. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Mina Anders
Institution: Georg-August Universtiy Göttingen
Address: Goettingen, Germany
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): July 2019- May 2020
4. Geographic location of data collection: Louis Trichard, Limpopo, South Africa
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( grant number: 01LL1802A ,
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Project number 405945293 and 493487387)
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: in preparation
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset:
Anders, M., Linden, V., Weier, S., Taylor, P.T., Westphal, C. & Grass, I. (2023). Data from: Complementary Effects of Pollination and Pest
Control enable Ecological Intensification in Macadamia Orchards. Dryad Digital Repository. DOI:10.5061/dryad.5dv41nsc6
- This README file was generated on 2023-10-04 by Mina Anders.
1. Title of Dataset: Complementary Effects of Pollination and Pest Control enable Ecological Intensification in Macadamia Orchards
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigators Contact Information
Name: Ingo Grass
Institution: Universität Hohenheim
Address: Stuttgart, Germany
B. Principal Investigators Contact Information
Name: Catrin Westphal
Institution: Georg-August Universtiy Göttingen
Address: Goettingen, Germany
C. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Mina Anders
Institution: Georg-August Universtiy Göttingen
Address: Goettingen, Germany
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): July 2019- May 2020
4. Geographic location of data collection: Louis Trichard, Limpopo, South Africa
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( grant number: 01LL1802A ,
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Project number 405945293 and 493487387)
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: in preparation
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
5. Was data derived from another source? No
A. If yes, list source(s): NA
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Anders, M., Linden, V., Weier, S., Taylor, P.T., Westphal, C. & Grass, I. (2023). Data from: Complementary Effects of Pollination and Pest
Control enable Ecological Intensification in Macadamia Orchards. Dryad Digital Repository. DOI:10.5061/dryad.5dv41nsc6
1. File List:
I)03_exclusion_interaction_x Design_ on_nut_set.R
J)04_exclusion_interaction_x Design_ on_quality.R
2. Relationship between files, if important: None
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? yes
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: all
i. Why was the file updated? Revision of the related manuscript and thus slight changes in the analyses
ii. When was the file updated? 2024-07-08
1. Number of variables: 4
2. Number of cases/rows: 1139
3. Variable List:
* Label: bat species (in abbreviations)
* Number: bat calls per round
* Device: SM: SM4BAT recorders (Song Meter SM4BAT FS Ultrasonic Recorder, Wildlife Acoustics Inc., USA)
* Round: Date of the recordings
* Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: B) bat_species_abbrev.csv
1. Number of variables: 5
2. Number of cases/rows: 40
3. Variable List:
* Label: bat species (in abbreviations)
* Species: Scientific species name
* family: Species' family
* guild: bat guild according to the foraging behavior: open_air, clutter, clitter_edge
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: C) Environmental_data.csv
1. Number of variables: 19
2. Number of cases/rows: 10
3. Variable List:
* pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
* Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
* Farm: Name of the macadamia farm
* alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
* latitude: geographical location of the study site on the farm
* longitude: geographical location of the study site on the farm
* mean_temp: mean temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
* min_temp: minimum temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
* max_temp: maximum temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
* hive500: number of managed bee hives in 500m radius around the study site
* hive1000: number of managed bee hives in 1000m radius around the study site
* hive2000: number of managed bee hives in 2000m radius around the study site
* bush500: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 500m radius around the study site
* bush1000: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
* irrigation: irrigation of the study block (yes/no)
* varieties: number of macadamia varieties or cultivars in the study block
* age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
* row: tree row orientation towards the orchard edge to semi-natural habitats
* cp: = cross pollination; did the supplementally handpollinated flowers recieve pollen from a different variety?
4. Missing data codes: None
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: D) bpc_pol_nut_sets_treatments.csv
1. Number of variables: 37
2. Number of cases/rows: 40
3. Variable List:
* Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
* PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
* BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
* pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
* row: tree row orientation of the planted tree rows towards the edge to semi-natural habitat (parallel of perpendicular)
* irrigation: was the study block irrigated? Yes/No
* Tree_ID: individual code for each of the studied macadamia trees
* final: final nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 18–20 weeks after flowering
* initial: initial nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 3-5 weeks after flowering
* alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
* bush1000 : cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
* age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
* Number.other: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds), classified as "other"
* Number.pest: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as pest for macadamia
* Number.pollinator: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as pollinators for macadamia
* Number.predator: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as predators (e.g. spiders, predatory wasps) for macadamia pests
* insect.abund: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds)
* insect.specs: mean number of arthropod species in the tree (over 6 rounds)
* bat.activ: mean bat calls in three nights over 6 rounds
* bat.specs: mean number of bat species that called over 6 rounds
* Macadamia nut sample in g (Nut in Shell)
* UKR: Unsound Kernel Rate = Unsound kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
* SKR: Sound Kernel Rate = Sound kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
* TKR: Total Kernel Rate = Kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
* number of nuts per sample
* Average.weight.per.NIS: Average weight per nut in shell (number of nuts /sample weight)
* Kernel.weight: weight of kernels after cracking
* Fungus: weight of nuts with fungus damage
* Nutborer: weight of nuts with nurborer damage
* Immature: weight of immature nuts
* Shell.marks: weight of nuts with shell marks
* pit.centre: weight of nuts with pit centre
* ESB: weight of nuts with damage caused by early stink bugs
* LSB: weight of nuts with damage caused by late stink bugs
* Germination: weight of germinated nuts
* Sound: total weihgt of sound nuts
* Unsound: total weigth of unsound nuts
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: yes, explained for each variable
1. Number of variables: 15
2. Number of cases/rows: 1804
3. Variable List:
* Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
* Month: Month of the observation
* PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
* BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
* Tree: Tree code (blue/white) of the two study trees per sampling unit
* Time: time of the observation hh:mm
* Temperature: temperature during observation [°C]
* Weather: weather condition during observation
* Observer: name of the observer
* Species: species name or taxon name of the observed arthropod
* Number: number of the observed species
* Size: size in mm of the observed species
* Position: position on the observed species in the tree
* Order: order of the observed arthropod
* FGroup: funtional group of the athropod (pest, pollinator, predator, other, NA)
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
1. Number of variables: 16
2. Number of cases/rows: 2142
3. Variable List:
* pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
* Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
* Tree_ID: individual code for each of the studied macadamia trees
* initial: intitial nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 3-5 weeks after flowering
* final: final nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 18–20 weeks after flowering
* PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
* BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
* TPollinat: pollination treatment. open pollination (or rather no treatment = O), supplemental hand-pollination (H), pollinator exclusion wiht exclusion bags (E)
* alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
* bush1000: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
* age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
* row: tree row orientation towards the orchard edge to semi-natural habitats
* irrigation: irrigation of the study block (yes/no)
* salt: scaled values for altitude (mean=0, sd=1)
* SNH: scaled values for bush1000 (mean=0, sd=1)
* comment:
4. Missing data codes: NA
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
1. Description: The scripts should be run in the correct order, because data sets are generated, that are used in the following scripts.
This R-script is for the analysis of the single and interacting effects of pollinator and biocontrol exclusion on macadamia nut set,i.e, initial and final nut set respectively
The analysis conatains mainly glmmTMB models and model selection usinf the Multi-Model inference (MuMIn) approach.
1. Description: R-script for the analysis of biocontrol exclusion on the nut quality, i.e., insect damage using glmmTMB and MuMIn
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: I)03_exclusion_interaction_x Design_ on_nut_set.R
1. Description: Analyses of biocontrol and pollination exclusion in interaction with environmental factors (orchard design and management, altitude, natural habitat) on the nut set (initial and final nut set)
Used methods: glmmTMB and MuMIn
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: J)04_exclusion_interaction_x Design_ on_quality.R
1. Description: Analyses of biocontrol exclusion in interaction with environmental factors (orchard design and management, altitude, natural habitat) on nut quality, and
sole effect of environmental factors on the nut quality, idependent from biocontrol exclusion.
Used methods: glmmTMB and MuMIn
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: K)05_analyse_insect_abundance.R
1. Description: Analyses of biocontrol exclusion on the abundacne and diversity of arthtopods in the macadamia trees.
This folder contains eleven .txt or .csv files that contain results of the analyses, like model outputs,
model sets produced during the model selection using the multi-model inference approach, or other calculations
The following text files contain results of the analyses, like model summaries of the global model, the selected models and the model set within deltaAICc<2
the effect sizes of the vairabel, Importance values of the variables
The following csv. files contain the total model set of all generated models using the dredge function.
For detailed information about the method, please see the methods section of the article (Anders et al., under revision)
Each of the tables have similar variables.
The variable list of the first file (dregde_INS_exclusion_x_landscape_and_design.csv) is given as an exapmle.
1. Number of variables: 19
2. Number of cases/rows: 74
3. Variable List:
* fist column: row number
* cond((Int)): Intercept of the model
* zi((Int)): zero inflation term
* disp((Int)): if the intercept is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
single effects
* cond(cat.alt): if the categorical predictor 'altitude category' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(irrigation): if the categorical predictor 'irrigation' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(PIB): if the categorical predictor 'PIB' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC): if the categorical predictor 'BPC' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(TPollinat): if the categorical predictor 'TPollinat' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(row): if the categorical predictor 'row' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(SNH): effect of the variabe 'SNH' if conained in the model
two-way interactions
* cond(BPC:cat.alt): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:irrigation): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:PIB): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:row): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:SNH): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(cat.alt:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(irrigation:TPollinat):if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(PIB:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(row:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(SNH:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
three-way interactions
* cond(BPC:cat.alt:TPollinat): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:irrigation:TPollinat): if the three-way interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:PIB:TPollinat): if the three-way interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:row:TPollinat): if the three-way interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* cond(BPC:SNH:TPollinat): : if the three-way interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
* df: degrees of freedom
* logLik: log likelyhood
* AICc: corrected Akaike Criterion
* delta: difference of AICc of the respective model to the lowest AICc
* weight: model weight
- Relationship between files, if important: None
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: i. Why was the file updated? ii. When was the file updated?
- Number of variables: 4
- Number of cases/rows: 1139
- Variable List:
- Label: bat species (in abbreviations)
- Number: bat calls per round
- Device: SM: SM4BAT recorders (Song Meter SM4BAT FS Ultrasonic Recorder, Wildlife Acoustics Inc., USA)
- Round: Date of the recordings
- Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: B) bat_species_abbrev.csv
- Number of variables: 5
- Number of cases/rows: 40
- Variable List:
- Label: bat species (in abbreviations)
- Species: Scientific species name
- family: Species' family
- guild: bat guild according to the foraging behavior: open_air, clutter, clitter_edge
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: C) Environmental_data.csv
- Number of variables: 19
- Number of cases/rows: 10
- Variable List:
- pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
- Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
- Farm: Name of the macadamia farm
- alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
- latitude: geographical location of the study site on the farm
- longitude: geographical location of the study site on the farm
- mean_temp: mean temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
- min_temp: minimum temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
- max_temp: maximum temperature [°C] during the period July - Sept 2019
- hive500: number of managed bee hives in 500m radius around the study site
- hive1000: number of managed bee hives in 1000m radius around the study site
- hive2000: number of managed bee hives in 2000m radius around the study site
- bush500: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 500m radius around the study site
- bush1000: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
- irrigation: irrigation of the study block (yes/no)
- varieties: number of macadamia varieties or cultivars in the study block
- age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
- row: tree row orientation towards the orchard edge to semi-natural habitats
- cp: = cross pollination; did the supplementally handpollinated flowers recieve pollen from a different variety?
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: D) bpc_pol_nut_sets_treatments.csv
- Number of variables: 37
- Number of cases/rows: 40
- Variable List:
- Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
- PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
- BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
- pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
- row: tree row orientation of the planted tree rows towards the edge to semi-natural habitat (parallel of perpendicular)
- irrigation: was the study block irrigated? Yes/No
- Tree_ID: individual code for each of the studied macadamia trees
- final: final nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 18–20 weeks after flowering
- initial: initial nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 3-5 weeks after flowering
- alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
- bush1000 : cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
- age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
- Number.other: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds), classified as "other"
- Number.pest: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as pest for macadamia
- Number.pollinator: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as pollinators for macadamia
- Number.predator: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds),classified as predators (e.g. spiders, predatory wasps) for macadamia pests
- insect.abund: mean number of arthropods in the tree (over 6 rounds)
- insect.specs: mean number of arthropod species in the tree (over 6 rounds)
- bat.activ: mean bat calls in three nights over 6 rounds
- bat.specs: mean number of bat species that called over 6 rounds
- Macadamia nut sample in g (Nut in Shell)
- UKR: Unsound Kernel Rate = Unsound kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
- SKR: Sound Kernel Rate = Sound kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
- TKR: Total Kernel Rate = Kernel weight / nuts in shell weight
- number of nuts per sample
- Average.weight.per.NIS: Average weight per nut in shell (number of nuts /sample weight)
- Kernel.weight: weight of kernels after cracking
- Fungus: weight of nuts with fungus damage
- Nutborer: weight of nuts with nurborer damage
- Immature: weight of immature nuts
- Shell.marks: weight of nuts with shell marks
- pit.centre: weight of nuts with pit centre
- ESB: weight of nuts with damage caused by early stink bugs
- LSB: weight of nuts with damage caused by late stink bugs
- Germination: weight of germinated nuts
- Sound: total weihgt of sound nuts
- Unsound: total weigth of unsound nuts
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: yes, explained for each variable
- Number of variables: 15
- Number of cases/rows: 1804
- Variable List:
- Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
- Month: Month of the observation
- PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
- BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
- Tree: Tree code (blue/white) of the two study trees per sampling unit
- Time: time of the observation hh:mm
- Temperature: temperature during observation [°C]
- Weather: weather condition during observation
- Observer: name of the observer
- Species: species name or taxon name of the observed arthropod
- Number: number of the observed species
- Size: size in mm of the observed species
- Position: position on the observed species in the tree
- Order: order of the observed arthropod
- FGroup: funtional group of the athropod (pest, pollinator, predator, other, NA)
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Number of variables: 16
- Number of cases/rows: 2142
- Variable List:
- pair: The macadamia farms are paired according to their altitude
- Site_ID: individual code for each of the ten macadamia farms
- Tree_ID: individual code for each of the studied macadamia trees
- initial: intitial nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 3-5 weeks after flowering
- final: final nut set, number of nuts/raceme, counted 18–20 weeks after flowering
- PIB: tree position in the block. Either at the block edge to semi-natural habitat (edge) or in the block (centre), i.e. in 50m distance to the block edge
- BPC: Biological Pest Control treatment: cages made of mesh around the study trees excluded bats and birds as predators (E=exclusion, O=open/control)
- Tr: pollination treatment. open pollination (or rather no treatment = O), supplemental hand-pollination (H), pollinator exclusion wiht exclusion bags (E)
- alt: altitude in m.a.s.l.
- bush1000: cover of semi-natural habitiat ("bush") [%] in a 1000m radius around the study site
- age: age of the macadamia trees in the study block
- row: tree row orientation towards the orchard edge to semi-natural habitats
- irrigation: irrigation of the study block (yes/no)
- salt: scaled values for altitude (mean=0, sd=1)
- SNH: scaled values for bush1000 (mean=0, sd=1)
- comment:
- Missing data codes: NA
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
This folder contains eleven .txt or .csv files that contain results of the analyses, like model outputs,
model sets produced during the model selection using the multi-model inference approach, or other calculations
The following text files contain results of the analyses, like model summaries of the global model, the selected models and the model set within deltaAICc<2
the effect sizes of the vairabel, Importance values of the variables
The following csv. files contain the total model set of all generated models using the dredge function.
For detailed information about the method, please see the methods section of the article (Anders et al., under revision)
Each of the tables have similar variables.
The variable list of the first file (dregde_INS_exclusion_x_landscape_and_design.csv) is given as an exapmle.
- Number of variables: 19
- Number of cases/rows: 74
- Variable List:
- fist column: row number
- cond((Int)): Intercept of the model
- zi((Int)): zero inflation term
- disp((Int)): if the intercept is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(cat.alt): if the categorical predictor 'altitude category' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(irrigation): if the categorical predictor 'irrigation' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(PIB): if the categorical predictor 'PIB' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(POL.BPC): if the categorical predictor 'POL.BPC' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(row): if the categorical predictor 'row' is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(SNH): effect of the variabe 'SNH' if conained in the model
- cond(cat.alt:POL.BPC): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(irrigation:POL.BPC):if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(PIB:POL.BPC): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(POL.BPC:row): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- cond(POL.BPC:SNH): if the interaction is conained in the model (+ yes, NA = no)
- df: degrees of freedom
- logLik: log likelyhood
- AICc: corrected Akaike Criterion
- delta: difference of AICc of the respective model to the lowest AICc
- weight: model weight
- Bat calls
- Initial and final macadami nut sets per raceme collected in August/September 2019 and January 2020
- Environmeltal data of the study sites, i.e macadamia farms (temperature data, management data, geographical location, lanscape parameters, orchard design parameters)
- Arthropod abundance and diversity data in macadamia trees
- R-scripts for analyses and figures
- Results of the analyses (e.g. model summaries, generated model sets, effect sizes)
Details for each dataset are provided in the README file.