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A global analysis of field body temperatures of active squamates in relation to climate and behaviour

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Feb 05, 2024 version files 5.84 MB


Aim: Squamate fitness is affected by body temperature, which in turn is influenced by environmental temperatures and, in many species, by exposure to solar radiation. The biophysical drivers of body temperature have been widely studied, but we lack an integrative synthesis of actual body temperatures experienced in the field, and their relationships to environmental temperatures, across phylogeny, behaviour, and climate.

Location: Global (25 countries on six continents)

Taxa: Squamates (210 species, representing 25 families)

Methods: We measured body temperatures during activity for 20,231 individuals, and examined how body temperatures vary with substrate and air temperatures across taxa, climates, and behaviours (basking and diel activity).

Results: Heliothermic lizards had the highest body temperatures and those most weakly correlated with substrate and air temperatures. Body temperatures of non-heliothermic diurnal lizards were similar to heliotherms in relation to air temperature but to nocturnal species in relation to substrate temperatures. Diurnal snake and non-heliothermic lizard body temperatures were more strongly correlated to air and substrate temperatures than in heliotherms. Correlation parameters of all diurnal squamates vary with mean annual temperatures, especially in heliotherms, so that the thermal relations of the various categories are disparate in cold climate but convergent in warm climate. Non-heliotherms and nocturnal body temperatures are better explained by substrate temperature than by air temperature. Body temperature distributions become left-skewed in warmer-bodied species, especially in colder climate.

Main conclusions: Differences in squamate body temperatures, their environmental relationships, and frequency distributions are globally influenced by behavioural and climatic factors. Differences between behavioural categories are smaller in warm climates where environmental temperatures are generally favourable, but heliotherm body temperature remained consistently higher than all others.