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Diplazium zangnanense, a new species of the twinsorus-fern genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae) from Xizang Province, China

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Sep 18, 2024 version files 722.01 KB


Diplazium zangnanense, a new species of Diplazium Sw. from Medog county, Xizang Autonomous Region, China, is described and illustrated. Morphological comparisons between this new species and similar ones (e.g., D. kawakamii, D. medogense, D. muricatum, D. multicaudatum, and D. spectabile, etc.) are provided. Molecular evidence shows that the new species is closely related to D. multicaudatum. The most distinctive characters of D. zangnanense are its decumbent to erect rhizomes, bicolorous scales with toothed margin on the stems, and oblong sori.