Public food forest opportunities and challenges in small municipalities
Data files
Mar 24, 2021 version files 122.40 KB
The opportunities and challenges associated with public food forest initiatives in small municipalities are understudied compared to large metropolitan counterparts. Research in small population centers is needed to identify and understand factors affecting the growth of public food forests where resources more commonly available in cities often are lacking. To study these factors, we surveyed mayors in Virginia, United States serving communities with populations under 25,000. Out of 176 mayors who received a paper survey through the mail, 68 (39%) responded. Mayors perceived long-term maintenance as the greatest barrier to public food forests and education, recreation, and spiritual experience as the most desirable benefits. Nearly 70% noted that their town has some form of food production on public land, but only one-fifth include food-producing trees and shrubs. Most municipalities (78%) do not have food-producing trees and shrubs land use codes. Summated variables representing mayoral ratings of public support and physical space for food forests in their municipalities were used in a k-means cluster analysis to group towns into four types: 1) Ambivalent and Resource-Poor; 2) Optimistic and Capable; 3) Doubtful and Unsupported; and 4) Unsure with Potential. Each community has unique challenges and opportunities, but mayors stressed that providing sociocultural programs and education rather than food access is the most compelling aspect of a public food forest.
This data was collected from paper and over-the-phone surveys. Ordinal responses were assigned a number and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. For some questions, more than one response could be selected, so all were listed.
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In our dataset, we have included 1) the journal and manuscript id, and 2) the original data with variable names. We also uploaded a ReadMe file that includes the statements/questions associated with each variable and a response key.