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Novel host plant unmasks heritable variation in plant preference within an insect population


Introductions of novel plant species can disturb the historical resource environment of herbivorous insects, resulting in strong selection to either adopt or exclude the novel host. However, an adaptive response depends on heritable genetic variation for preference or performance within the targeted herbivore population, and it is unclear how heritability of host-use preference may differ between novel and historical hosts. Pieris macdunnoughii butterflies in the Rocky Mountains lay eggs on the nonnative mustard Thlaspi arvense, which is lethal to their offspring. Heritability analyses revealed considerable sex-linked additive genetic variation in host preference within a population of this butterfly. This was contrary to general predictions about the genetic basis of preference variation, which are hypothesized to be sex-linked between populations but autosomal within populations. Evidence of sex-linkage disappeared when butterflies were tested on methanol-based chemical extracts, suggesting these chemicals in isolation may not be the primary driver of female choice among available host plants. Although unexpected, evidence for within-population sex-linked genetic variation in preference for T. arvense over native hosts indicates that persistent maladaptive oviposition on this lethal plant must be maintained by alternative evolutionary dynamics such as migration- or drift-selection balance or pleiotropic constraints.