Perception of workload balance and employee job satisfaction in work organisations
Data files
Mar 12, 2021 version files 55.55 KB
The data article focuses on perception of workload balance and employee job satisfaction in work organisations. The design of the study was a cross-sectional survey. The population of the study consisted of employees of eight multinational companies and two private Universities in Nigeria. Thus, the study employed two samples and used a structured questionnaire in eliciting the data from the respondents. Content validity index served to validate the research instrument while Cronbach alpha was used to assure its reliability. Respondents’ participation from the first was requested through social media while face-to-face administration was done for respondents in the second sample. Stratified random sampling was employed in selecting the respondents from the two categories. The data were analysed using frequency tables, chats and F test (one-way ANOVA). Frequency tables and chats were used to describe the perception of workload balance and employee job satisfaction in work organisations while F test (ANOVA) was used in testing for the relationship between respondents’ perception of workload balance and their demographic variables.
The data article employed quantitative methods and the research design was a cross-sectional survey consistent with. The population of the study consisted of employees of eight multinational companies in Nigeria (Julius Berger, MTN, Coca-Cola, Mobil, Nestle, Cadbury, 7UP and Guinness) and two private universities (Benson Idahosa and Landmark Universities, both in Nigeria). Thus, the study employed two samples. The participants in the first sample were randomly selected from alumni members of the University of Benin, Nigeria who are employees of the targeted multinational companies and who had completed their MBA within the past 15 years while the second sample consisted of employees from the two private Universities Respondents’ participation was requested through social media. Simple random sampling was employed in selecting the respondents. Randomization was on the basis of lottery. Primary technique was used to generate the research data. The data were elicited from the sampled respondents using a structured questionnaire which was administered through social media (Facebook and WhatsApp) [4]. The measurement procedure adopted is consistent with those previously adopted by [5,6,7,8]. The question-response format of the research instrument was the 5-point Likert-type scale with options ranging from a region of high disagreement, through a neutral zone to a region of high agreement. The instrument (questionnaire) was constructed by the author and given to experts in the department of Business studies at the author’s institution and another institution for validation before pre-testing in a pilot survey. After the experts’ validation, the instrument was pretested. The results of the pilot test were analysed using content validity index (CVI) for validity tests and Cronbach alpha was used to test for the instrument’s reliability.
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