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Mast seeding records in North American Pinaceae and summer temperature data (1960-2014)


Mast seeding database compilation for conifer tree reproduction in North America (belonging to genus: Abies, Picea, Pinus, Tsuga). All data included in analyses met the criteria that they: i) had at least 6 years of mast seeding data for a species of coniferous tree in North America, ii) data were collected on a continuous scale (e.g., based on seed traps, visual cone counts, or cone scars), iii) occurred between 1960-2014, and iv) for a taxon to be included in the study, there was a minimum of 10 separate time series at the level of the genus. Data from distinct sites or on different species were included separately. Data are standardized to values between 0-100 for each dataset.

Summer temperature data are based on ClimateNA, including mean annual July temperatures from 1960-2014 for each location where there is mast-seeding data, and the difference in consecutive summer mean July temperatures.