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Intensity and mode of Lindera melissifolia reproduction are affected by flooding and light availability


A water impoundment facility was used to control the duration of soil flooding (0, 45, or 90 days) and shade houses were used to control light availability (high = 72 %, intermediate = 33 %, or low = 2 % of ambient light) received by L. melissifolia established on native soil of the MAV. A completely randomized, split-plot design was used to evaluate the effects of soil flooding and light availability on L. melissifolia reproductive intensity and mode. Analyses were conducted on plot means using PROC GLIMMIX with an adjustment in the error term for the whole-plot factor (SAS 9.4, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA). PROC UNIVARIATE was used to test data normality for each response variable, and residual errors were normalized with Box-Cox, natural log, or square root transformations where appropriate prior to the PROC GLIMMIX analyses. Significance was accepted at ∝ = 0.05, and we used the least significant difference (LSD) test to separate significant treatment effect means. When a soil flooding and light availability interaction was significant, separation of soil flooding level means was conducted by light availability level, and separation of light availability level means was conducted by soil flooding level.