Graft‐host coupling changes can lead to engraftment arrhythmia: A computational study
Data files
Apr 24, 2023 version files 27.87 MB
This dataset contains examples and raw data related to the cited publication (doi: 10.1113/jp284244). Computational models derived from histological images are provided. Raw values in the data spreadsheet are given as fraction of simulations for a particular configureation that resulted in graft-initiated host excitation.
Usage notes
Microsoft Excel or another open source should be used to view Gibbs_et_at_ExcelData.xlsx. Raw data for Figure 7 and 8 are provided.
Example files are provided for:
1) All five histology-derived models described in the paper, in fully coupled and 10% coupled states.
2) A parameter file for openCARP (tested version v8.2) to conduct simulations of spontaneous graft-host excitation in 10% coupled models.
3) Output from these test simulations (large data files removed for ease of sharing).
4) Meshalyzer save states and transformations used to visualize activation maps and voltage over time data (tested version v2.2).
5) Videos showing voltage over time and images showing activation sequence for breakthrough wavefronts only for all five simulations
A README file has also been provided with example code on how to run the simulations for the Linux terminal.