Marine carbon dynamics in a coral reef ecosystem of Southern Taiwan
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This dataset contains data collected during four seasons: spring (March 31, 2011), summer (July 5, 2011), autumn (October 20, 2011), and winter (January 22, 2013), in the area between Nanwan Bay's two capes, Cape Moubitou and Cape Oluanpi. from a total of 17 stations described in the paper: “P.-J. Meng, C.-M. Chang, H.-T. Hsieh, A. B. Mayfield, and C.-C. Chen (2023). The impact of coral reef ecosystems and upwelling events on the marine carbon dynamics of Southern Taiwan, Ocean Science (submitted)". The main results of this study included thirteen figures as described in the paper, and please refer to it for further details.
Raw data belonging to:
P.-J. Meng, C.-M. Chang, H.-Y. Hsieh, A. B. Mayfield, and C.-C. Chen (2023). Marine carbon dynamics in a coral reef ecosystem of southern Taiwan. Ocean Science
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 1"", map of sampling stations in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Station "S1-S15, S31, S33" Sampling station
B Longitude Numerial oE Longitude of sampling station
C Latitude Numerial oN Latitude of sampling station
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 2"", potential temperature vs. salinity (T-S) diagram at Nanwan Bay, Taiwan in spring, summer, autumn, and winter." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Spring_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in spring
B Spring_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in spring
C Summer_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in summer
D Summer_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in summer
E Autumn_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in autumn
F Autumn_TemP Numerical oC Temperature in autumn
G Winter_Sal Numerical psu Salinty in winter
H Winter_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in winter
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 3"", vertical profiles of temperature and salinity at station S10 in spring, summer, autumn, and winter." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Spring_date d/mo/yr Sampling date in spring
B Spring_time min Sampling time in spring
C Spring_depth Numerical m Sampling depth in spring
D Spring_Temp oC Temperature in spring
E Spring_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in spring
F Summer_date d/mo/yr Sampling date in summer
G Summer_time min Sampling time in summer
H Summer_depth Numerical m Sampling depth in summer
I Summer_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in summer
J Summer_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in summer
K Autumn_date d/mo/yr Sampling date in autumn
L Autumn_time min Sampling time in autumn
M Autumn_depth Numerical m Sampling depth in autumn
N Autumn_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in autumn
O Autumn_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in autumn
P Winter_date d/mo/yr Sampling date in winter
Q Winter_time min Sampling time in winter
R Winter_depth Numerical m Sampling depth in winter
S Winter_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in winter
T Winter_Sal Numerical psu Salinity in winter
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 4"", seasonal variation in sea surface pCO2 (μatm) in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan in spring, summer, autumn, and winter." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Spring_Longitude Numerical oE Longitude of sampling station in spring
B Spring_Latitude Numerical oN Latitude of sampling station in spring
C Spring_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in spring
D Summer_Longitude Numerical oE Longitude of sampling station in summer
E Summer_Latitude Numerical oN Latitude of sampling station in summer
F Summer_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in summer
G Autumn_Longitude Numerical oE Longitude of sampling station in autumn
H Autumn_Latitude Numerical oN Latitude of sampling station in autumn
I Autumn_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in autumn
J Winter_Longitude Numerical oE Longitude of sampling station in winter
K Winter_Latitude Numerical oN Latitude of sampling station in winter
L Winter_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in winter
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 5"", vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2 in different seasaons at station S10." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Time min Sampling time
B Depth Numerical m Sampling depth
C DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
D pH Numerical pH
E TA Numerical μmol kg-1 Total alkalinity
F pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2
G DO SD Numerical mg L-1 standard deviaton of dissolved oxygen
H pH SD Numerical standard deviaton of pH
I TA SD Numerical μmol kg-1 standard deviaton of Total alkalinity
J pCO2 SD Numerical μatm standard deviaton of pCO2
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 6"", relationships between temperature and salinity or pH, as well as dissolved oxygen (DO) vs. pH during upwelling events" Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Tempature Numerical oC Temperature
B Salinity Numerical psu Salinity
C pH Numerical pH
D DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 7"", control factors and impact levels of surface water pCO2 at each station in Nanwan Bay" Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Station "S1-S15, S31, S33" Sampling station
B Mean Numerical μatm Mean value of each sampling station
C nT Numerical μatm pCO2 with non-temperature effect
D T Numerical μatm pCO2 with temperature effect
E nT-T Numerical μatm pCO2 with degree with influence by temperature
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 8"", control factors of surface water pCO2 in different seasons in Nanwan Bay." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Seasons Sampling seasons
B Mean Numerical μatm Mean value of season
C nT Numerical μatm pCO2 with non-temperature effect
D T Numerical μatm pCO2 with temperature effect
E mean SD Numerical μatm Standard deviation of mean
F nT SD Numerical μatm Standard deviation of nT
G T SD Numerical μatm Standard deviation of T
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 9"", relationship between surface water pCO2 and temperature, surface water pCO2 and Chl a, surface water pCO2 at Tobs and temperature, and surface water pCO2 at Tmean and Chl a in different seasons in Nanwan Bay." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Spring_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in spring
B Summer_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in summer
C Autumn_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in autumn
D Winter_Temp Numerical oC Temperature in winter
E Spring_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a in spring
F Summer_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a in summer
G Autumn_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a in autumn
H Winter_Chl Numerical μg L-1 Chl a in winter
I Spring_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in spring
J Summer_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in summer
K Autumn_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in autumn
L Winter_pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2 in winter
M Spring_T Numerical μatm pCO2 at T effect in spring
N Summer_T Numerical μatm pCO2 at T effect in summer
O Autumn_T Numerical μatm pCO2 at T effect in autumn
P Winter_T Numerical μatm pCO2 at T effect in winter
M Spring_nT Numerical μatm pCO2 at nT effect in spring
N Summer_nT Numerical μatm pCO2 at nT effect in summer
O Autumn_nT Numerical μatm pCO2 at nT effect in autumn
P Winter_nT Numerical μatm pCO2 at nT effect in winter
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. 10"", Seasonal variation of (a) surface water △pCO2 and (b) air-sea CO2 exchange flux (FGAS) at each station." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Station "S1-S15, S31, S33" Sampling station
B Spring_dpCO2 Numerical μatm △pCO2 in spring
C Summer_dpCO2 Numerical μatm △pCO2 in summer
D Autumn_dpCO2 Numerical μatm △pCO2 in autumn
E Winter_dpCO2 Numerical μatm △pCO2 in winter
F Spring_Fgas Numerical mmol m-2 day-1 air-sea CO2 exchange flux in spring
G Summer_Fgas Numerical mmol m-2 day-1 air-sea CO2 exchange flux in summer
H Autumn_Fgas Numerical mmol m-2 day-1 air-sea CO2 exchange flux in autumn
I Winter_Fgas Numerical mmol m-2 day-1 air-sea CO2 exchange flux in winter
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S1"", vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2 in spring at station S10 at two sampling times." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Time min Sampling time
B Depth Numerical m Sampling depth
C DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
D pH Numerical pH
E TA Numerical μmol kg-1 Total alkalinity
F pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S2"", vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2 in summer at station S10 at three sampling times." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Time min Sampling time
B Depth Numerical m Sampling depth
C DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
D pH Numerical pH
E TA Numerical μmol kg-1 Total alkalinity
F pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S3"", vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2 in autumn at station S10 at three sampling times." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Time min Sampling time
B Depth Numerical m Sampling depth
C DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
D pH Numerical pH
E TA Numerical μmol kg-1 Total alkalinity
F pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2
"Metadata for tab ""Fig. S4"", vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total alkalinity (TA), and pCO2 in winter at station S10 at three sampling times." Note: #NA = data not available
Column Entry value Unit Explanation Remark
A Time min Sampling time
B Depth Numerical m Sampling depth
C DO Numerical mg L-1 dissolved oxygen
D pH Numerical pH
E TA Numerical μmol kg-1 Total alkalinity
F pCO2 Numerical μatm pCO2
Temperature and salinity data were collected using an Idronaut Ocean Seven 304 CTD calibrated against an International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean seawater standard. Water samples were collected using Niskin bottles with Teflon-coated inner walls. Seawater at each station was taken at two to five depths at intervals of 3 to 25 m within or less than the 50 m of water column depth; extra samples at 65, 80 and/or 100 m water depth were taken for stations with depth within 100 m water column depth. Water samples collected were immediately analyzed for dissolved oxygen (DO) using YSI 52 and YSI 5905 BOD electrodes. Other water samples were divided into different sample bottles for additional analyses. One 300-mL amber bottle was pre-inoculated with 0.2 mL of mercuric chloride to suppress biological activity that could affect total alkalinity (TA) and other carbonate system parameters. The analyzed methods for each variable can be found in the paper. The data has been processed by a linear regression analysis using “SigmaStat” to produce a manuscript accepted for publication in Ocean Science.
Usage notes
The README file contains an explanation of each of the variables in the dataset and its measurement units. Information on how the measurements were done can be found in the associated manuscript referenced above.