Crossing experiment and mating trial data for New Zealand Dolomedes undergoing introgression
Data files
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Introgression is a highly influential process in evolution, where genes flow between species that are not fully reproductively isolated. Studies on introgression often focus on describing gene transfer and environmental changes that facilitate the meeting of species. However, the impact of mating systems and behaviour that facilitate gene transfer is less well-known. Dolomedes aquaticus and D. minor are sister species of fishing spiders undergoing one-way, geographically limited mitochondrial introgression, making them an excellent case study for the factors that promote and limit introgression. We used a combination of field observations and crossing experiments to systematically investigate potential pre-fertilisation barriers that could limit introgression and explain the one-way and geographic barriers to introgression in these species. We found that habitat overlap and timing of reproductive maturity were not likely to be important limiting factors to introgression. However, behaviour was an important factor, with male mate choice being implicated in the geographic limitation, and female mate choice being implicated in the one-way limitation. Our results show the importance of using behavioural approaches in the investigation of introgression.
README: Crossing experiment and mating trial data for New Zealand dDolomedes undergoing introgression
Description of the data and file structure
Included here are crossing experiment and mating trial results from the accompanying paper. Also included are the data for the subset of weighed spiders, and the field data from the Waipara monitoring site. Metadata files have been included for all data files.
Crossing_Experiments_Southland_Merged.csv = Data from crossing experiments with spiders collected from Southland (Introgression Zone)
Minor_mating_trials_Merged.csv = Data from mating trials of Dolomedes minor
Canterbury_Crossing_Experiment_Merged.csv = Data from crossing experiments with spiders collected from Cantuerbury (Outside Introgression Zone)
Aqauticus_Mating_Trials_Merged.csv = Data from mating trials of Dolomedes aquaticus
"mating_trial___crossing_experiment_metadata" = Metadata for above files <- READ THIS
2020_season_female_spider_weights.csv = Data of female spider weights for weighed subset (see accompanying paper)
2020_season_male_spider_weights.csv = Data of male spider weights for weighed subset (see accompanying paper)
spider_weights_metadata.txt = Metadata for above files <- READ THIS
Waipara_spider_monitoring_reformatted_-_rene.csv= Monitoring data from Waipara fieldsite. Notes column has been DELIBERATELY left blank in places where no notes were taken
Waipara_spider_monitoring_reformatted_metadata = Metadata for above file <- READ THIS
Additionally, there are 5 video files (C0001.MP4 - C0005.MP4), which represent one experiment included as an example to view relevant behaviours and experimental set up. The behavioural coding file exported from BORIS is also included here (minor_female_R04_x_aquaticus_male_T06.csv), as this contains timestamps for all behaviours seen in this video. This file is formatted as an export from BORIS. NOTE: Blank rows and columns have been left deliberately in case users wish to upload this file into BORIS during their analysis.
Some files contain blanks, particularly in qualitative columns such as notes. Otherwise, missing data have been marked as NA.