Different photoperiodic responses in diapause induction can promote the maintenance of genetic diversity via the storage effect in Daphnia pulex
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Otake, Yurie et al. (2024). Different photoperiodic responses in diapause induction can promote the maintenance of genetic diversity via the storage effect in Daphnia pulex [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.69p8cz977
Understanding mechanisms that promote the maintenance of biodiversity (genetic and species diversity) has been a central topic in evolution and ecology. Previous studies have revealed that dormancy can contribute to coexistence of competing genotypes or species in fluctuating environments via the storage effect. However, they tended to focus on differences in reproductive success (e.g., seed yield) and diapause termination (e.g., germination) timing. Here we tested whether different photoperiodic responses in diapause induction can promote coexistence of two parthenogenetic (asexual) genotypes of Daphnia pulex in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan. Through laboratory experiments, we confirmed that short day length and low food availability induced the production of diapausing eggs. Furthermore, we found that one genotype tended to produce diapausing eggs in broader environmental conditions than the other. Terminating parthenogenetic reproduction earlier decreases total clonal production, but the early-diapausing genotype becomes advantageous by assuring reproduction in “short” years where winter arrival is earlier than usual. Empirically parameterized theoretical analyses suggested that different photoperiodic responses can promote coexistence via the storage effect with fluctuations of the growing season length. Therefore, timing of diapause induction may be as important as diapause termination timing for promoting the maintenance of genetic diversity in fluctuating environments.
README: Different photoperiodic responses in diapause induction can promote the maintenance of genetic diversity via the storage effect in Daphnia pulex
"Sheet 1: representing percentage of each lineage measured in the laboratory experiment 1: clonal reproduction, using for Figure 2, S2",
- JPN1_clone, clone name of JPN1 used in a match of clonal reproduction experiment (experiment 1)
- JPN2_clone, clone name of JPN2 used in a match of clonal reproduction experiment (experiment 1)
- light, photoperiodic condition
- day15_JPN1, frequency of JPN1 clone on day 15
- day15_JPN2, frequency of JPN2 clone on day 15
- day30_JPN1, frequency of JPN1 clone on day 30
- day30_JPN2, frequency of JPN2 clone on day 30
"Sheet 2: diapausing rate calculated in the laboratory experiment 2: life history measurement, using for Figure 3,S3",
- clone_name, clone name of Daphnia pulex
- lineage, lineage of Daphnia pulex (JPN1 or JPN2)
- light, photoperiodic condition
- food, food condition
- diapausing_inds, the number of female individuals reared ephippia
- total_inds, the total number of female individuals in each experimental condition
- prevalence_of_diapause, the prevalence of diapause of the clone calculated by dividing the number of diapausing inds. by the total number of inds.
"Sheet 3: Intrinsic growth rate calculated in the laboratory experiment 2: life history measurement, using for Figure S3,S4"
- lineage, lineage of Daphnia pulex (JPN1 or JPN2)
- clone_name, clone name of Daphnia pulex
- linght, photoperiodic condition
- food, food condition
- growth_rate, the growth rate of the clone calculated with the Euler-Lotka equation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 18J22937, Research Fellowships for Young Scientists
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 19K16223, KAKENHI
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 17H03730, KAKENHI
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Award: 21H02560, KAKENHI