Data from: Evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation in a plant (Pedicularis rex, Orobanchaceae)
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Oct 07, 2014 version files 89.60 KB
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A small or sparse population may suffer a reduction in fitness due to Allee effects. Here we explored effects of plant density on pollination, reproduction and predation in the alpine herb Pedicularis rex over two years. We did not detect a significant difference in pollination rate or fecundity (fruit set and initial seed set) before predation between sparse and dense patches in either year, indicating no pollination-driven Allee effect. However, dense patches experienced significantly fewer attacks by predispersal seed predators in both years, resulting in a significantly decreased realized fecundity (final seed set) and suggesting a component Allee effect driven by predispersal seed predation. Predation-driven Allee effects have been predicted by many models and demonstrated for a range of animals, but there is scant evidence for such effects in plants. Our study provides strong evidence of a component Allee effect driven by predation in a plant species.