Genetic variation in age-dependent attractiveness in a fish with a mixed mating system
Data files
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Reproductive senescence is common in many taxa and females often show a predictable decline in fecundity after maturity. Attending to these age-dependent cues in female fecundity could help males make optimal mate choice decisions. In this study, we examined reproductive senescence and male mate choice in the androdioecious mangrove rivulus (Kryptolebias marmoratus) where self-fertilizing hermaphrodites exist with rare males and where generations of self-fertilization result in genetically distinct lineages. Hermaphrodites showed a strong decline in fecundity as they aged and genetic lineages varied in their fecundity both at young and old ages. Surprisingly, when given a simultaneous choice between genetically identical old and young hermaphrodites, and with access to both visual and olfactory cues, males did not simply prefer younger hermaphrodites. Instead, male preference for younger vs older partners depended on the genetic lineage of the partners, resulting in a strong genotype x age interaction. For some genetic lineages, hermaphrodites were more attractive to males when younger, but for other genetic lineages, hermaphrodites were more attractive when older. Our results suggest that genetic identity of the partner is key to how males weigh age-dependent changes in fecundity, and that males are able to assess genetic variation in attractiveness over a partner’s reproductive lifespan. Exploring how gamete viability and outcrossing is affected by age across genetic lineages could help us further understand these flexible male preferences.
README: Genetic variation in age-dependent attractiveness in a fish with a mixed mating system
Description of the data and file structure
PART 1: Fecundity assay
We measured the number of embryos produced by younger and older hermaphrodites across 4 different lineages
PART 2: Male preference assays
We measured how much time single males spent with simultaneously presented younger and older hermaphrodites across 4 different lineages
Files and variables
PART 1: Fecundity assay
file 1A: embryo_data.csv
A. lineage = the particular genetic lineage the focal fish belongs to ( BP16, BP21, CROC27, or CROC31)
B. generation = the generation in the lab that the focal fish belongs to (eg. F8 to F10)
C. ID = individual ID number for the focal hermaphrodite fish
D. days_old = the age of the focal fish in days (embryo collection minus birthdate)
E. age = category of age (young = ~250 days old; old = ~500 days old)
F. embryos = number of embryos collected over 3 weeks (2 collections between 5/1/23 and 5/11/23)
PART 2: Male preference assays
file 2A: choice_data_wide.csv
A. test_date = date of trial (
B. test_time = time of day of trial
C. trial_number = whether it was the male’s first or second time being tested
D. male_letter = random letter given to the 20 males (A to R)
E. male_ID = individual ID number for the focal male
F. male_clone = the particular genetic lineage the focal male belongs to (BWN3, BWS34, BWS38, BP11. BP13)
G. male_birthdate = birthdate (
H. male_days_old = the age of the focal male in days at the time of testing (test-date minus birthdate)
I. male_SL = the standard length of the focal male at the end of all trials (in mm)
J. old_side = tank side that old partner was placed (Right vs Left) based on coin flip
K. herm_clone = the particular genetic lineage that both hermaphrodite partners belong to (BP16, BP21, CROC27, CROC31)
L. old_ID = individual ID number for the old hermaphrodite partner
M. old_birthdate = birthdate ( of the old hermaphrodite partner
N. old_days_old = the age of the old hermaphrodite partner in days at the time of testing (test-date minus birthdate)
O. old_SL = the standard length of the old hermaphrodite partner at the time of testing (in mm)
P. old_total_time_sec = the total time (in seconds) spent with the old hermaphrodite partner during the trial
Q. yng_ID = individual ID number for the old hermaphrodite partner
R. yng_birthdate = birthdate ( of the old hermaphrodite partner
S. yng_days_old = the age of the old hermaphrodite partner in days at the time of testing (test-date minus birthdate)
T. yng_SL = the standard length of the old hermaphrodite partner at the time of testing (in mm)
U. yng_total_time_sec = the total time (in seconds) spent with the old hermaphrodite partner during the trial
V. total_pref_time = the total time (in seconds) spent with any hermaphrodite partner during the trial (young time + old time)
W. prop_w_old = proportion of the total preference time spent with the old hermaphrodite partner (old time / (young + old) )
X. diff_old_minus_young = difference in time spent with old and young hermaphrodite partners (old time - young time)
file 2B: choice_data_long.csv
A. test_date = date of trial (
B. test_time = time of day of trial
C. trial = the preference trial number (#1-40)
D. trial_number = whether it was the male’s first or second time being tested
E. male_letter = random letter given to the 20 males (A to R)
F. male_ID = individual ID number for the focal male
G. male_clone = the particular genetic lineage the focal male belongs to (BWN3, BWS34, BWS38, BP11. BP13)
H. male_days_old = the age of the focal male in days at the time of testing (test-date minus birthdate)
I. male_SL = the standard length of the focal male at the end of all trials (in mm)
J. old_side = tank side that old partner was placed (Right vs Left) based on coin flip
K. herm_clone = the particular genetic lineage that both hermaphrodite partners belong to (BP16, BP21, CROC27, CROC31)
L. partner_age = category of age (young = ~250 days old; old = ~470 days old)
M. partner_ID = individual ID number for the hermaphrodite partner
N. partner_days_old = the age of the hermaphrodite partner in days at the time of testing (test-date minus birthdate)
O. partner_SL = the standard length of the hermaphrodite partner at the time of testing (in mm)
P. partner_first_approach_sec = the time to first approach the partner (in seconds); "." means the partner was not approached during the trial (resulting in zero seconds spent associating with that partner)
Q. partner_total_time_sec = the total time (in seconds) spent with the hermaphrodite partner during the trial
file 2C: male_consistency.csv
A. male_letter = random letter given to the 20 males (A to R)
B. male_clone = the particular genetic lineage the focal male belongs to (BWN3, BWS34, BWS38, BP11, BP13)
C. male_SL = the standard length of the focal male at the end of all trials (in mm)
D. t1prop_w_old = proportion of the total preference time spent with the old hermaphrodite partner (old time / (young + old) ) at the male’s first trial
E. t1diff_old_minus_yng = difference in time spent with old and young hermaphrodite partners (old time - young time) at the male’s first trial
F. t2prop_w_old = proportion of the total preference time spent with the old hermaphrodite partner (old time / (young + old) ) at the male’s second trial
G. t2diff_old_minus_yng = difference in time spent with old and young hermaphrodite partners (old time - young time) at the male’s second trial
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