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Effects of plant hydraulic traits on the flammability of live fine canopy fuels in 62 Australian plant species

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Jan 06, 2021 version files 250.36 KB
Jan 21, 2021 version files 261.81 KB


  1. Plant species vary in how they regulate moisture and this has implications for their flammability during wildfires. We explored how fuel moisture is shaped by variation within six hydraulic traits: saturated moisture content, cell wall rigidity, cell solute potential, symplastic water fraction and tissue capacitance.
  2. Using pressure-volume curves, we measured these hydraulic traits distal shoots (i.e. twigs + leaves) in 62 plant species across four wooded communities in south-eastern Australia. For a subset of 30 of those species, we also measured hydraulic traits of twigs using moisture-release curves. Moisture content of fine fuels was then estimated for circumstances typical of fire weather. These projections were made assuming that under the hot, dry, windy conditions typical of large wildfires, leaves and fine twigs would function at internal water pressures close to wilting point (i.e. turgor loss point, TLP). The effect of different moisture contents at TLP on ignition time was then modelled using a fully mechanistic, finite element model of biomass ignition based on standard principles of physical chemistry.
  3. We also measured predawn water potential, an indication of plant access to soil water that is influenced by root architecture. These data were used to model how root traits influence fuel moisture and ignition time.