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Datasets for phylogenetic analysis on Angelica

Data files

May 12, 2021 version files 2.77 MB


There are four datasets used for constructing the phylogenetic trees in "A systematic study of North American Angelica species (Apiaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA sequences and fruit morphology" Dataset I included the entire ITS region from 231 representatives of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae. Datasets II-IV each included the same 176 accessions and comprised all 26 NA species of Angelica (represented by 132 accessions) and other related species. Dataset II included the entire ITS region; Dataset III included the cpDNA ndhF-rpl32, rpl32-trnL, and psbM-psbD regions; and Dataset IV included combined ITS and cpDNA data.