Data from: Blood pressure pulsations modulate central neuronal activity via mechanosensitive ion channels
Data files
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The transmission of heartbeat through the cerebral vascular system is known to cause intracranial pressure pulsations. Here we report that arterial pressure pulsations can directly modulate central neuronal activity. In a semi-intact rat brain preparation, vascular pressure pulsations elicit correlated local field oscillations in the olfactory bulb (OB) mitral cell layer. These oscillations do not require synaptic transmission, but reflect baroreceptive transduction in mitral cells. This transduction is mediated by an excitatory mechanosensitive ion channel and modulates neuronal spiking activity. Indeed, in awake animals, the heartbeat entrains the activity of a subset of OB neurons within ~20 ms. Thus, we propose that this fast intrinsic interoceptive mechanism can modulate perception, e.g. during arousal, within the OB and also possibly across various brain areas.
README: Data from: Blood pressure pulsations modulate central neuronal activity via mechanosensitive ion channels
The dataset consists of tables that list (1) all the data points displayed in cumulative graphs in figures; these are the results of analyses such as the power of local field potential oscillations across different experimental conditions (2) the original data traces and their fast Fourier transforms (if applicable) shown in figure panels with exemplary recordings. These are either local field potential recordings over time from the phrenic nerve and the olfactory bulb brain tissue in our semi-intact preparation of juvenile rats, and/or recordings of pressure over time at the cannula (see Fig. 1A). In addition, for Fig. 7 and Fig. S6, there are matlab files provided that contain the time stamps for heartbeats, inspiration and neuronal spiking activity from in vivo extracellular recordings of spiking activity in adult head fixed mice.
Description of the data and file structure
Field potentials are recorded in mV (millivolts) or µV (microVolts). The sampling rate in these recordings is 10 kHz (kiloHertz), thus the time resolution is 0.1 ms (milliseconds).
Fourier transforms of local field potential recordings (LFP) are given in arbitrary units (a.u.), since they were normalized to the durations of the respective field potential recordings. The frequency resolution is given in mHz (milliHertz); it differs between Fourier transforms because of the different field potential recording times. The FFT sampling rate ∆xFFT for an LFP data interval of 360 s sampled at 1 kHz amounts to ∆xFFT = 2*500 Hz/360000 = 2.8 mHz and is accordingly reduced for shorter LFP recordings. Fourier transforms generated for two or more different conditions within the same experiment were always normalized in amplitude to the same duration for comparison.
Pressure is recorded and displayed in units of mmHg (millimetres Mercury), the most commonly used unit in physiology and medicine. mmHg can be converted into the SI unit Pa (Pascal, kg/ms2): 1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa
All tables contain the information on the type of data, units and sampling rate/interval of time or frequency.
Abbreviations used in the tables (all common and also explained in the text of the paper):
OB Olfactory Bulb
LFP Local Field Potential
PNA Phrenic Nerve Activity
FFT Fast Fourier Transform, always noted with frequency range
a.u. arbitrary units (usually refers to FFT values)
GL Glomerular Layer (site of OB-LFP recording)
EPL External Plexiform Layer (site of OB-LFP recording)
MCL Mitral Cell Layer (site of OB-LFP recording)
GCL Granule Cell Layer (site of OB-LFP recording)
P0, P1: power amplitude of the fundamental peak P0 and the first harmonic P1 in the FFT of the OB-LFP
RMS Root Mean Square of the LFP, common measure for LFP activity
FWHM Full Width Half Maximum, used to analyse the width of FFT peaks
Description of individual files:
Figure 1: Fig1 cumulative_data.xls: contains 4 sheets with recordings shown in Panels B,C,D,E,F (denoted in the name of the respective sheet) and 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in Panel E, F (denoted as “Figure 1E,F cumulative”; data points shown in the panels: cells in table filled in blue)
Figure 2: Fig2 cumulative_data.xls: contains 2 sheets with recordings shown in Panels A,B (denoted in the name of the respective sheet), 2 sheets with the cumulative data shown in Panels A,C (denoted in the name of the respective sheet), 1 sheet with the inverted FFTs shown in Panel D (denoted in the name of the respective sheet)
Figure 3: Fig3 cumulative_data.xls: contains 3 sheets with FFTs shown in top Panels A,B,C (denoted in the name of the respective sheet), 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in Panels A,B,C bottom, including both all the data points from the individual experiments and their means and standard deviations (denoted in the name of the respective sheet)
Figure 4: Fig4 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the individual and mean data points for the 4 different pharmacological conditions in Panels A,B,C,D. Spike count data are missing for two of the experiments using the compound GsMTx because in these experiments spikes could not be detected properly.
Figure 5: Fig5 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the functions shown in Panel A (denoted in the name of the respective sheet; the functions were generated in IGOR software, but any other mathematical graphing software could be used), and 1 sheet with the individual data points shown in Panel B (denoted in the name of the respective sheet)
Figure 6: Fig6 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the LFP recording data and the spike phase histograms shown in Panel A (denoted in the name of the respective sheet), and 1 sheet with the individual data points shown in Panel C,D (denoted in the name of the respective sheet)
Figure 7: two files: Fig7 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in Panel F,G,I (denoted in the name of the respective sheet), and 1 sheet with the total numbers of analysed heartbeats per in vivo experiment in Fig. 7 and Fig. S6 (denoted in the name of the respective sheet);
Fig7 datainfo_invivo.mat: The file contains the matlab structure array 'summary' with the fields
.Nexperiment - ID of the experiment
.animal - animal ID
.sex - sex of the animal
.age - age in days at the day of the recording
.type - experiment type
ob_ecg - recordings from ventral olfactory bulb + electrocardiogram
ob_ecg_NarisOcclusion - same as ob_ecg with naris occluded ipsilateral to the recording site
ob_ecg_NarisOcclusionRemoved - same as ob_ecg with naris occlusion removed
.numsamples - number of samples per recording
.samplingrate - Sampling rate in Hz
.respidx - indices of inhalations in samples
.ecgidx - indices of heartbeats in samples
.ch_reversal - reversal channel of respiration related activity in the olfactory bulb (corresponds to mitral cell layer)
.sp - structure containing information of extracellular recorded spiking activity recorded from the olfactory bulb sorted into single units
.ts - indices of spikes in samples
.cl - cluster for each spike
.cids - cluster IDs
.ch - recording channel with peak amplitude
.fr - firing rate per single unit
.ns - spike number per single unit
.cgs - unit classification (1 means good single unit; only good units contained in the data structure)
Figure S1: FigS1 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data sorted into the histograms shown in Panel A (denoted in the name of the respective sheet)
Figure S2: FigS2 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data sorted into the histogram shown in Panel B (denoted in the name of the sheet)
Figure S3: FigS3 cumulative_data.xls: contains 2 sheets with the cumulative data shown in Panels A and B,C (denoted in the name of the respective sheets)
Figure S4: FigS4 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in the right parts of Panels A and C (denoted in the name of the sheet)
Figure S5: FigS5 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in Panels A, B, E, G, H, I, J (denoted in the name of the sheet)
Figure S6: two files: FigS6 cumulative_data.xls: contains 1 sheet with the cumulative data shown in Panels A, B, D, E, G, H, J, K (denoted in the name of the sheet);
Fig S6 datainfo_invivo_hp-pfc.mat: The file contains the matlab structure array 'summary' with the fields
.Nexperiment - ID of the experiment
.animal - animal ID
.sex - sex of the animal
.age - age in days at the day of the recording
.type - experiment type
hp_pfc_ecg - recordings from intermediate CA1 of the hippocampus + medial prefrontal cortex + electrocardiogram
.numsamples - number of samples per recording
.samplingrate - Sampling rate in Hz
.respidx - indices of inhalations in samples
.ecgidx - indices of heartbeats in samples
.sp_CA1 - structure containing information of extracellular recorded spiking activity recorded from the intermediate CA1 of the hippocampus sorted into single units
.ts - indices of spikes in samples
.cl - cluster for each spike
.cids - cluster IDs
.ch - recording channel with peak amplitude
.fr - firing rate per single unit
.ns - spike number per single unit
.cgs - unit classification (1 means good single unit; only good units contained in the data structure)
.sp_PFC - structure containing information of extracellular recorded spiking activity recorded from the medial prefrontal cortex sorted into single units
.ts - indices of spikes in samples
.cl - cluster for each spike
.cids - cluster IDs
.ch - recording channel with peak amplitude
.fr - firing rate per single unit
.ns - spike number per single unit
.cgs - unit classification (1 means good single unit; only good units contained in the data structure)
Matlab files associated with Fig7 and Fig S6: Matlab Version R2021a.
Analysis steps are described in detail in the Methods section of the associated manuscript.
See Methods section of associated manuscript.