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Infauna shift trait-productivity relationships in submerged aquatic vegetation communities

Data files

Nov 25, 2024 version files 138.71 KB


This data and code (RStudio) are associated with the peer-reviewed research article, titled 'Root puppet masters: Infauna shift trait-productivity relationships in submerged aquatic vegetation communities'. The data is a product of a 15-week in situ transplant experiment in the northern Baltic Sea. It involved experimental submerged aquatic plant communities with, and without, experimental additions of Macoma balthica, a sedentary bivalve. Experimental plant communities were tricultures with varying species composition, compiled from a pool of 6 different species, to create an experimental gradient of trait community weighted means (CWMs) that allowed us to detect changes more clearly in plant trait-biomass production relationships in response to the M. balthica treatment. The plant species used in the experiment were Zostera marina, Potamogeton perfoliatus, Zannichellia major, Ruppia cirrhosa, Stuckenia pectinata and Myriophyllum spicatum.