Data from: The classical and alternative circulating renin-angiotensin system in normal dogs and dogs with stage B1 and B2 myxomatous mitral valve disease
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The behavior of the comprehensive circulating renin‐angiotensin system (RAS) in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) before the onset of congestive heart failure remains largely unexplored.
Hypothesis/Objectives: The classical and alternative RAS activity and aldosterone concentrations will be significantly higher in dogs with American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) stage B2 MMVD compared to normal dogs and dogs with ACVIM stage B1 MMVD.
Animals: One hundred seventeen client‐owned dogs (normal = 60; B1 = 31; B2 = 26).
Methods: Prospective observational study. Angiotensin peptides (AP) and aldosterone concentrations were measured using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Angiotensin converting enzymes 1 and 2 (ACE, ACE2) and renin activity surrogates were calculated from AP concentrations. Equilibrium dialysis (ED) and immediate protease inhibition (PI) methods of AP quantification were compared in 14 healthy dogs.
Results: Core RAS activity and aldosterone concentrations did not differ among the 3 groups. However, the balance between the alternative and classical RAS differed, with dogs with stage B2 MMVD having significantly higher ACE2 activity surrogate (ACE2surr) when compared to normal dogs (adjusted P = .02; ratio of medians for ACE2surr [B2:normal], 1.89; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.4‐2.6). The ED and PI methods of AP quantification were highly correlated (AngI, r = .9, P < .0001; AngII, r = .8, P = .001).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Circulating alternative RAS activity, specifically the surrogate measure of ACE2 activity, was increased in dogs with stage B2 MMVD as compared to normal dogs. Equilibrium dialysis results are analogous to immediate protease inhibition in dogs.
README: The classical and alternative circulating renin-angiotensin system in normal dogs and dogs with stage B1 and B2 myxomatous mitral valve disease
Description of the data and file structure
Demographic, physical exam, and biochemical data are included in the files RAAS Project Normal Dogs; RAAS Project B1 Dogs; RAAS Project B2 Dogs
Tabs: Exam_and_history: demographic, physical exam, and historical information; CBC_Chem: complete blood count and serum biochemistry results; Urine: urinalysis results; Echo: echocardiographic data
Missing data denoted by an empty cell; Data field that are not applicable to a patient are denoted by N/A or n/a; Date: date of exam; Sex: MI=0, MC=1, FI=2, FS=3; Amount: amount of food fed in cups; Na+%: sodium content of diet; MealToCollectionTime: time between meal and blood collection; BP: blood pressure (mmHg); HR: heart rate (bpm); Demeanor: normal=0, nervous or anxious=1; AM_PM: AM=0, PM=1
ePV: estimated plasma volume; NucCells: total nucleated cell count 10^3/uL; Remainder of abbreviations are standard for serum biochemical, CBC, and urinalysis reporting; UP-C: urine protein to creatinine ratio
LAmax-Ao: left atrium to aortic ratio from right parasternal long axis 4 and 5-chamber views; LA-Ao: left atrium to aortic ratio from right parasternal short axis view; LVIDDn: normalized left ventricular dimension in diastole; EF: ejection fraction; FS: shortening fraction (%); TR: tricuspid regurgitation greater than trace (yes or no); PH: pulmonary artery systolic pressure > 35mmHg (yes or no)
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system quantification data are included in the file RAAS project AP data
Tabs: normal: angiotensin peptide and aldosterone concentrations for normal dogs; Week 2: subset of dogs returning for a 2nd visit 2 weeks after their initial visit; PI vs. ED: results of protease inhibited vs. equilibrium dialysis methods for angiotensin peptide quantification; B1: angiotensin peptide and aldosterone concentrations for B1 dogs; B2: angiotensin peptide and aldosterone concentrations for B2 dogs; UAldo C: urine aldosterone to creatinine ratios for all dogs
Missing data denoted by an empty cell; Data field that are not applicable to a patient are denoted by N/A or n/a; N: normal dogs; B1: dogs with ACVIM Stage B1 myxomatous mitral valve disease; B2: dogs with ACVIM stage B2 myxomatous mitral valve disease; NW2: normal group - week 2 sample; ED: equilibrium dialysis method of sample handling; PI: protease inhibition method of sample handling; UAldo-C: urine aldosterone to creatinine ratio; TimeBtwSamples: time between week 1 and week 2 samples (days)
Ang: angiotensin peptides measured in serum (pmol/L); Aldo: aldosterone measured in serum (pmol/L); PRA-S: plasma renin activity surrogate; ACE-S: angiotensin converting enzyme activity surrogate; AA2: aldosterone to angiotensin II ratio; ACE2-S: agiotensin converting enzyme 2 surrogate; ALT: alternative RAS activity surrogate
Demographic, clinical, and biochemical data were collected prospectively during the clinical visit of each patient. Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet by the study investigators. These data were entered into a commercial statistical software. The data have not been processed.