Dataset for Subnormothermic ex vivo lung perfusion attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury from donation after circulatory death donors
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Use of normothermic ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) was adopted in clinical practice to assess the quality of marginal donor lungs. Subnormothermic perfusion temperatures are in use among other solid organs to improve biochemical, clinical and immunological parameters. In a rat EVLP model of donation after circulatory death (DCD) lung donors, we tested the effect of four subnormothermic EVLP temperatures that could further improve organ preservation. Warm ischemic time was of 2 hours. EVLP time was of 4 hours. Lung physiological data were recorded and metabolic parameters were assessed. Lung oxygenation at 21°C and 24°C were significantly improved whereas pulmonary vascular resistance and edema formation at 21°C EVLP were significantly worsened when compared to 37°C EVLP. The perfusate concentrations of potassium ions and lactate exiting the lungs with 28°C EVLP were significantly lower whereas sodium and chlorine ions with 32°C EVLP were significantly higher when compared to 37°C EVLP. Also compared to 37°C EVLP, the pro-inflammatory chemokines MIP2, MIP-1α, GRO-α, the cytokine IL-6 were significantly lower with 21°C, 24°C and 28°C EVLP, the IL-18 was significantly lower but only with 21°C EVLP and IL-1β was significantly lower at 21°C and 24°C EVLP. Compared to the 37°C EVLP, the lung tissue ATP content after 21°C, 24°C and 28°C EVLP were significantly higher, the carbonylated protein content after 28°C EVLP was significantly lower and we measured significantly higher myeloperoxidase activities in lung tissues with 21°C, 24°C and 32°C. The 28°C EVLP demonstrated acceptable physiological variables, significantly higher lung tissue ATP content and decreased tissue carbonylated proteins with reduced release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In conclusion, the 28°C EVLP is a non inferior setting in comparison to the clinically approved 37°C EVLP and significantly improve biochemical, clinical and immunological parameters and may reduce I/R injuries of DCD lung donors.
Usage notes
This Readme text Dataset for Subnormothermic ex vivo lung.txt file was generated on 20210717 by Stephan Arni
1. Title of Dataset: Dataset for Subnormothermic ex vivo lung
2. Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Ilhan Inci.
Institution: Department of Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Address: Rämistrasse 100 8091 Zurich, Switzerland.
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Stephan Arni
Institution: Department of Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Address: Rämistrasse 100 8091 Zurich, Switzerland.
3. Date of data collection: 20171113 to 20180517.
4. Geographic location of data collection: irrelevant.
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This study was founded by the Swiss Lung Foundation, the Fondation A.P. Naef, the Jubi-läumsstiftung der Lungen Liga Graubünden.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: none
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Subnormothermic ex vivo lung perfusion attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury from donation after circulatory death donors https://doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0255155
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none.
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets:
5. Was data derived from another source? no
6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Arni, S.; Maeyashiki, T.; Opitz, I.; Inci, I. Subnormothermic ex vivo lung perfusion attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury from donation after circulatory death donors. PLoS One 2021, 10.1371/journal.pone.0255155, Accepted. In press.
1. File List:
Figure_1.csv Are all the data of the figure 1 Physiological variables and oxygenation parameters.
Figure_2.csv Are all the data of the figure 2 Clinical biochemistry parameters.
Figure_3.csv Are all the data of the figure 3 Cytokines and chemokines in the perfusate.
Figure_4.csv Are all the data of the figure 4 TUNEL assay, Myeloperoxidase activity, ATP and carbonylated protein content in lung tissues.
2. Relationship between files, if important: Data files are independent from each other.
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: none
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated:
i. Why was the file updated?
ii. When was the file updated?
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
Arni, S.; Maeyashiki, T.; Opitz, I.; Inci, I. Subnormothermic ex vivo lung perfusion attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury from donation after circulatory death donors. PLoS One 2021, 10.1371/journal.pone.0255155, Accepted. In press.
2. Methods for processing the data:
Arni, S.; Maeyashiki, T.; Opitz, I.; Inci, I. Subnormothermic ex vivo lung perfusion attenuates ischemia reperfusion injury from donation after circulatory death donors. PLoS One 2021, 10.1371/journal.pone.0255155, Accepted. In press.
3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:
Graph pad prism V8.0.
4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: none
5. Environmental/experimental conditions: irrelevant
6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: raw data
7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Stephan Arni
1. Number of variables: 4
2. Number of cases/rows: 26 cases
3. Variable List:
Figure 1A Pulmonary vascular resistance (cmH2O/ml/min)
Figure 1B Dynamic compliance (ml/cmH2O)
Figure 1C oxygenation delta O2 (mmHg)
Figure 1D Lung percent weight gain/loss (%)
4. Missing data codes: none
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
1. Number of variables: 6
2. Number of cases/rows: 26 cases
3. Variable List:
Figure 2A Potassium from pulmonary vein (mmol/L)
Figure 2B Lactate from pulmonary vein (mmol/L)
Figure 2C Calcium from pulmonary vein (mmol/L)
Figure 2D Glucose from pulmonary vein (mg/dL)
Figure 2E Sodium from pulmonary vein (mmol/L)
Figure 2F Chlorine from pulmonary vein (mmol/L)
4. Missing data codes: none
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
1. Number of variables: 9
2. Number of cases/rows: 26 cases
3. Variable List:
Figure 3A MIP1 alpha (pg/mL)
Figure 3B MIP2 (pg/mL)
Figure 3C GRO alpha (pg/mL))
Figure 3D IL6 (pg/mL)
Figure 3E IL18 (pg/mL)
Figure 3F IL1Beta (pg/mL)
Figure 3G IL1alpha (pg/mL)
Figure 3H MCP1 (pg/mL)
Figure 3I VEGF (pg/mL)
4. Missing data codes: none
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none
1. Number of variables: 4
2. Number of cases/rows: 26 cases
3. Variable List:
Figure 4A Tissue ATP (nmol/mg protein)
Figure 4B Tissue MPO (microUl/mg protein)
Figure 4C Tissue carbonyl proteins (nmol/mL)
Figure 4D Tunel positive cells (average number of 10 fields per slide)
4. Missing data codes: none
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: none