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A phylogenetic and morphological study of the Tectaria fuscipes group (Tectariaceae), with description of a new species

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Nov 20, 2022 version files 4.26 MB


The fern species Tectaria fuscipes and morphologically similar species, which are common in tropical and subtropical mainland Asia, constitute a taxonomically confusing group. To better understand species boundaries and relationships within the T. fuscipes group, we conducted phylogenetic analyses of five plastid regions and morphological observations of herbarium specimens and living plants. As a result, we produced a generally well-resolved phylogeny of the T. fuscipes group and morphologically similar species in Asia. The phylogenetic analyses supported the T. fuscipes group including T. dissectaT. fuscipesT. ingensT. paradoxaT. setulosaT. subfuscipesT. subsageniacea and a new species, but excluding T. kusukusensis. However, T. fuscipesT. subfuscipes and T. subsageniacea are almost indistinguishable in morphology, which form a complex characterized by the black linear-lanceolate stipe scales. The new species found in southern China and Vietnam is described here as T. fungii. It is similar to the T. fuscipes complex and T. kusukusensis, but differs from the former mainly by its brown-castaneous lanceolate stipe scales and from the latter by having nearly hairless laminae (versus frond axes abaxially bearing copious hairs).