Data from: Parasite spillover rather than niche expansion explains infection of host brain by diplostomid eye flukes
Data files
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Parasites often occupy specific sites within their host, which has important implications for host performance and parasite transmission. Nonetheless, parasitic infections can occur beyond their typical location within a host, significantly altering host-parasite interactions. Yet, the causes behind the atypical tissue tropism are poorly understood. Here, we focus on a ubiquitous group of diplostomid parasites that form diverse communities in fish eyes. We used targeted DNA metabarcoding (COX1, 250 bp) to evaluate potential mechanisms underlying atypical tissue tropism from predominantly eye to brain infection in two widespread fish species (Eurasian perch and common roach). We found that the most common eye-infecting species (Tylodelphys clavata, Diplostomum baeri) are present in the brains of perch but not in roach. The bipartite network comprising five species and 24 mitochondrial haplotypes revealed no brain-specific haplotypes, indicating an apparent lack of genetic divergence between brain and eye-infecting parasites. Instead, the prevalence, intensity, and diversity of eye infections were positively correlated with brain infections. Thus, our results suggest that the most parsimonious mechanism underlying brain infection is density-dependent spillover rather than parasite divergence-driven niche expansion. We anticipate that “off-target” infections are likely to be severely underestimated in nature with severe ecological, evolutionary, and medical implications.
README: Parasite spillover rather than niche expansion explains infection of host brain by diplostomid eye flukes
Description of data and file structure
This dataset includes the bioinformatic pipeline, R code (Diaz_Suarez_et_al_2024), and data files to run the statistical analysis and plotting of the MS entitled "Parasite spillover rather than niche expansion explains infection of host brain by diplosomid eye flukes". Raw sequences are available in GenBank on accession number PRJNA1078141. All used packages are indicated at the beginning of the R code file (library()).
The datasets included are the following:
ASV_new_stric.csv -> Strict mapping of ASv using the --search_exact function in VSEARCH
TAX_brain_new.csv -> taxonomic identification of ASV using SINTAX classifier
Metadata_strict.csv -> Metadata including the lake, infected tissue (eye, brain), infection type (eye, brain, eye-brain)
GLMM_normalised.csv -> Matrix used to perform the prevalence tables, prevalence plots, GLM (generalized linear models) and LM (liner models). The variables included in the table are; brain_infection (yes=1, no=0), eye_infection (yes=1, no=0), lake, site within lake (site 1 or site 2), host weight (gr), host Forck length FL (mm), Condition factor (KC), total reads assigned to the eye, total reads assigned to the brain, Number of Tylodelphys clavata haplotypes in the eye (nhapTyl_eye), number of Diplostomum baeri haplotypes in the eye (hapBae_eye, number of Diplostomum rauschi n haplotypes in the eye (hapBae_eye), number of Diplostomum spathaceum n haplotypes in the eye (hapSpa_eye), number of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum haplotypes in the eye (hapPse_eye), Total number of haplotypes in the eye (num_haplo_eye), number of Tylodelphys clavata haplotypes in the brain (hapTyl_brain), number of Diplostomum baeri haplotypes in the brain (hapBae_brain), Total number of haplotypes in the brain (num_haplo_brain)
Bipartine_general_2.csv -> binary presence/absence matrix was constructed for all identified haplotypes. The matrix indicates the number of host individuals infected by each parasite haplotypes belonging to the 5 parasite species. ASV identification is provided in Supplementary material table 3.
Haplonet_clavata.fasta -> Sequences of seven Tylodelphys clavata haplotypes
Haplonet_baeri.fasta -> Sequences of seven haplotypes of Diplostomum baeri
freq_baeri.csv -> Haplotype frequencies of Diplostomum baeri at each lake.
freq_clavata.csv -> Haplotypes frequencies of Tylodelphys clavata at each lake
Files and variables
File: bipartine_general_2.csv
Description: binary presence/absence matrix was constructed for all identified haplotypes. The matrix indicates the number of host individuals infected by each parasite haplotypes belonging to the 5 parasite species. The ASV identification is available in Supplementary material table 3.
- Brain: number of fish individuals infected by the given haplotype
- Eye: number of fish individulas infected by the haplotype
File: freq_baeri.csv
- Lake:
- Hino:
- Kasaritsa_Verijarv:
- Kisojarv:
- Koorkula Valgjarv:
- Oisu:
- Piigandi:
- Saadjarv:
File: freq_clavata.csv
- lake:
- Hino:
- Kasaritsa_Verijarv:
- Kisojarv:
- Koorkula_Valgjarv:
- Oisu:
- Piigandi:
- Saadjarv:
File: GLMM_normalised.csv
Description: Matrix used to perform the prevalence tables, prevalence plots, GLM (generalized linear models), and LM (liner models). The variables included in the table are; brain_infection (yes=1, no=0), eye_infection (yes=1, no=0), lake, site within lake (site 1 or site 2), host weight (gr), host Forck length FL (mm), Condition factor (KC), total reads assigned to the eye, total reads assigned to the brain, Number of Tylodelphys clavata haplotypes in the eye (nhapTyl_eye), number of Diplostomum baeri haplotypes in the eye (hapBae_eye, number of Diplostomum rauschi n haplotypes in the eye (hapBae_eye), number of Diplostomum spathaceum n haplotypes in the eye (hapSpa_eye), number of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum haplotypes in the eye (hapPse_eye), Total number of haplotypes in the eye (num_haplo_eye), number of Tylodelphys clavata haplotypes in the brain (hapTyl_brain), number of Diplostomum baeri haplotypes in the brain (hapBae_brain), Total number of haplotypes in the brain (num_haplo_brain)
- sample: fish individual
- brain_inf: brain infection (1=yes, 0=no)
- eye_inf: eye infection (1=yes, 0=no)
- lake: location where the fish was collected
- site: site within lake where the fish was collected
- weigth(g): fish weight in grams
- Fl_mm: total fork length in millimeters
- Kc_factor: fish body condition calculated as 100 x W/FL3, where W represents weight in grams and FL represents fork length incentimeters.s
- total_reads_eye: total number of bioinformatic reads detected in the eyes of the fish individual
- total_reads_brain:total number of bioinformatic reads detected in the brain of the fish individual
- hapTyl_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Tylodelphys clavata in the eyes;
- hapBae_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Diplostomum baeri in the eyes;
- hapRau_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Diplostomum rauschi in eyes
- hapSpa_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Diplostomum spathaceum in the eyes
- hapPse_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Diplostomum pseudospathaceum in the eyes
- num_haplo_eye: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of all infected eyes
- hapOth_eye:total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of the less frequent species (Diplostomum rauschi, Diplostomum spathaceum, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum)
- hapTyl_brain: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Tylodelphys clavata in the brain;
- hapBae_brain: total number of different haplotypes (cox1) of Diplostomum baeri in the brain
- num_haplo_brain: number of different haplotypes (cox1) of all infected brain species;
The following pipeline was used to process paired-end sequencing with 2 x 300 bp read length (Illumina Inc., San Diego, California, USA) included in the MS entitled "Parasite spillover rather than niche expansion explains infection of host brain by diplosomid eye flukes". Raw sequences are available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under accession no. PRJNA1078141
## The pipeline is based on the material and teaching of "Bioinformatic Methods for Biodiversity Metabarcoding" (
The data set was obtained by the metabarcoding characterisation of the diplostomids communties in the eyes and brain of Eurasian perch collected at seven lakes in souther Estonia. This files includes the bioinformatic pipeline to process the raw seqeunces (2 x 300 bp read length, Illumina Inc., San Diego, California, USA) and the R code for the down stream analysis.