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Discrepancies between the drivers of alpha and beta plant diversity in arable field margins

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Jan 24, 2023 version files 435.99 KB


Field margins are major habitats for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem functioning in agricultural landscapes, but biotic homogenization of plant communities threatens their ecological and agronomic functions. Our objective is to assess the effects of field margin structure and long-term management of herbaceous layer over 20 years (1995–2015) on the taxonomic and functional α- and β-diversity, and the functional composition of herbaceous plant communities. In 2015, we surveyed 302 field margins in bocage landscapes of Brittany (France). Results were very similar between taxonomic and functional diversity but revealed discrepancies between α- and β-diversity. Deep ditches, mowing, and grazing increased α-diversity but did not affect β-diversity. Denser hedgerows had lower α-diversity than other field margins but contributed to β-diversity by harboring more unique sets of species or life strategies. Long-term herbicide spraying in field margins and cropping intensity in adjacent habitats did not affect α-diversity, but had more complex effects on β-diversity and selected for common weeds. Preservation of dense hedgerows and abandonment of herbicide spraying are key measures to prevent the establishment of common weeds and biotic homogenization in field margins. Above all, our study shows how important it is to go beyond α-diversity to make robust conservation and restoration decisions.