A novel approach to low-cost, rapid and simultaneous colorimetric detection of multiple analytes using 3D printed microfluidic channels
Data files
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This research paper presents an inventive technique to swiftly create microfluidic channels on distinct membrane papers, enabling colorimetric drug detection. Using a modified DIY RepRap 3D printer with a syringe pump, microfluidic channels (µPADs) are crafted on a flexible nylon-based substrate. This allows simultaneous detection of four common drugs with a single reagent. An optimized blend of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) dissolved in hexane is used to create hydrophobic channels on various filter papers. The PDMS-hexane mixture infiltrates the paper's pores, forming hydrophobic barriers that confine liquids within the channels. These barriers are cured on the printer's hot plate, controlling channel width and preventing spreading. Capillary action drives fluid along these paths without spreading. This novel approach provides a versatile solution for rapid microfluidic channel creation on membrane papers. The DIY RepRap 3D printer integration offers precise control and faster curing. The PDMS-hexane solution accurately forms hydrophobic barriers, containing liquids within desired channels. The resulting microfluidic system holds potential for portable, cost-effective drug detection and various sensing applications.
- AFM CHARACTERIZATION The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) data pertaining to specific membrane substrates, namely Biodyne C, Biotrace NT, and Immunodyne ABC, utilized in this study are provided. For each substrate, comprehensive AFM datasets are presented, encompassing both coated and uncoated states with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).
(a) The AFM data for Biodyne C membrane containing PDMS is named as (AFM_Biodyne_C_with PDMS.000) and for the Biodyne C membrane without membrane is named as (AFM_Biodyne_C_without_PDMS.000).
(b) The AFM data for Biotrace NT membrane containing PDMS is named as (AFM_Biotrace_NT_with PDMS) and for the Biodyne C membrane without membrane is named as (AFM_Biotrace_NT_without_PDMS.000).
(c) The AFM data for Immunodyne ABC membrane containing PDMS is named as (AFM_Immunodyne_ABC_With PDMS) and for the Biodyne C membrane without membrane is named as (AFM_Immunodyne_ABC_without_PDMS.000).
Enclosed within this resource are the unprocessed Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis raw files. These files have been utilized in the composition to elucidate the hydrophobic characteristics of the PDMS:Hexane solution upon its application to the paper substrate.
- UV-VIS Spectroscopy
The UV-VIS spectroscopy of the colorimetric complexes formed by the drugs Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ciprofloxacin and Salicylic acid after reaction with FeCl3 are provided.
The raw UV-VIS datasets are in text form.
(a) Within these datasets, the initial column encompasses wavelength data, while the subsequent column is indicative of absorption values. Each dataset is systematically labeled to align with a specific drug; for instance, the dataset pertaining to Paracetamol is denoted as "Paracetamol".
(b) Deconvolution datasets serving as the source files for these pharmaceutical compounds are provided. The generation of origin plots is accomplished using ORIGIN 2016. Each drug and its corresponding deconvolution plot are encapsulated within the origin file. Specifically, the datasets for Ciprofloxacin, Aspirin, Salicylic acid, and Paracetamol are denoted as DATACIPROFLOXACIN, DATAASPIRIN, DATASALICYLICACID, and DATAPARACETAMOL. The corresponding deconvolution plots are labeled as CIPROFLOXACINDeconvolution, ASPIRINDeconvolution, SALICYLICACIDDeconvolution, and PARACETAMOLDeconvolution.
These data files are integral to the manuscript, offering pivotal insights into the colorimetric analysis of these pharmaceutical compounds.
The data is not derived from any other sources.
The dataset was acquired utilizing AFM analysis software and a UV-VIS spectrometer, as referenced in the manuscript. Access to the Origin software is facilitated through institution.
Usage notes
AFM Analysis software (example Gwyddion)
Origin 2016