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Data from: A phylogenomic approach to reconstruct interrelationships of main clupeocephalan lineages with a critical discussion of morphological apomorphies.


Background: Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny and classification of clupeocephalan fishes revealed numerous new taxonomic entities. For re-analysing these taxa on a phylogenomic scale, we perform target gene capturing and subsequent next generation sequencing of putative ortholog exons of major clupeocephalan lineages. Sequence information for the RNA bait design was derived from publicly available genomes of bony fishes. Newly acquired sequence data comprising >800 exon sequences was subsequently used for phylogenetic reconstructions. Results: Our results support monophyletic Otomorpha comprising Alepocephaliformes. Within Ostariophysi, Gonorynchiformes are sister to a clade comprising Cypriniformes, Characiformes, Siluriformes and Gymnotiformes, where the interrelationships of Characiformes, Siluriformes and Gymnotiformes remain enigmatic. Euteleosts comprise four major clades: Lepidogalaxiiformes, Protacanthopterygii, Stomiatii, and Galaxiiformes plus Neoteleostei. The monotypic Lepidogalaxiiformes form the sister-group to all remaining euteleosts. Protacanthopterygii, comprising Argentini-, Esoci- and Salmoniformes, is sister to Stomiatii (Osmeriformes and Stomiatiformes) and Galaxiiformes plus Neoteleostei. Conclusions: Several proposed monophyla defined by morphological apomorphies within the Clupeocephalan phylogeny are confirmed by the phylogenetic estimates presented herein. However, other morphologically described groups cannot be reconciled with molecular phylogenies. Thus, numerous morphological apomoprhies of supposed monophyla are called into question. The interpretation of suggested morphological synapomorphies of otomorph fishes is strongly affected by the inclusion of deep-sea inhabiting, and to that effect morphologically adapted Alepocephaliformes. Our revision of these potential synapomorphies, in the context that Alepocephaliformes are otomorph fishes, reveal that only a single character of the total nine characters proposed as synapomorphic for the group is clearly valid for all otomorphs. Two further characters associated to the swim bladder remain possible apomorphies, as their status could not be evaluated, since Alepocephaliformes do not have this structure. Further, our analysis places Galaxiiformes as sister group to neoteleosts, which contradicts some previous molecular phylogenetic studies. This needs further investigation from a morphological perspective, as suggested synapomophies for several euteleostean lineages are challenged or still lacking. For the verification of results presented herein, a denser phylogenomic-level taxon sampling should be applied.