Avian point count data from riparian corridors of protected areas in Marin County California
Data files
Jul 22, 2021 version files 1.78 MB
The data set is a simplified version of avian point count data collected in Marin County, CA, USA between 1997 and 2019. Point count surveys (5 minutes) were conducted twice during the breeding season (May and June) along transects in riparian corridors within protected areas (Point Reyes National Seashore, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Mount Tamalpais State Park, and Bolinas Lagoon Open Space Preserve). Data were collected by Point Blue Conservation Science biologists and were integrated into the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program. All individuals detected at any distance were recorded during the surveys, but this simplified data set only includes the observations analyzed for this publication, specifically detections (aurally and visually) within 50 meters of each point count station for each of the fourteen species selected for analysis.
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Usage notes
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