Spore germination and gametophore development of mosses in response to competition
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Jun 13, 2023 version files 224.51 KB
Interactions between moss species in their earliest growth stages have received little attention. To what extent interspecific competition or priority effects influence spore germination, protonemal development, and gametophore emergence is unknown. We evaluated such effects in pairwise interaction between six common bryophyte species: Atrichum undulatum, Bryum argenteum, Ceratodon purpureus, Funaria hygrometrica, Hypnum cupressiforme, and Leptobryum pyriforme. Interspecific interactions were assessed in vitro. Spores were sterilized and sown on agar plates in three treatments: 1) as single species cultures (controls), 2) as pairwise species cultures inoculated simultaneously, and 3) with a time lag of 20 days between species. Data on time needed for spore germination, germination rate, the time needed for gametophore differentiation, number of gametophores per germinated spore and average diameter of colonies were collected. We also performed spore germination tests in single-species cultures at the start and end of the study, as well as tests for density-dependency at spore germination and gametophore formation.
Spore germination and gametophore emergence were scored under a microscope and/or dissecting microscope.
Data for each species is placed in a separate spreadsheet. In these sheets results from germination tests with controls, pairwise sowing of spores simultaneously or with 20 days interval is presented.
The species are abbreviated as follows:
- Atrichum undulatum = A
- Bryum argenteum = B
- Ceratododon purpureus = C
- Funaria hygrometrica = F
- Hypnum cupressiforme = H
- Leptobryum pyriforme = L
Data are presented in columns.
Column A-C defines test groups and replicates.
- Column A is Group. Lines 1-16 display results from controls. Line 17-91 represents the focus species in tests of simultaneous sowing for each of the possible pairs. Line 92-166 represents the focus species when it is subject to delayed sowing 20 days, for each of the possible pairs.
- Column B is replicate agar plates.
- Column C is sub replicate within agar plates (nested design).
Column D-J denotes results and basic calculations.
- Column D is the number of germinated spores for the focal species.
- Column E is the number of ungerminated spores for the focal species.
- Column F is the total number of spores (D+E)
- Column G is the germination ratio (D/(D+E)) in %
- Column H is the number of gametophores generated.
- Column I is the gametophyte-to-germination ratio (H/D).
- Column J is the germination ratio (D/(D+E))
N/A in column I denotes cases when no germination was found, i.e., no gametophores could occur.
Usage notes
Microsoft Excel.