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Influence of rotation speed and frequency on the decision of Columba livia domestica to cross the rotor-swept area of paper blades mimicking a wind turbine

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Nov 04, 2024 version files 77.28 KB


To reduce bird collisions with wind turbines, automatic detection systems have been developed to slow the blades down when a bird is approaching. We experimentally tested whether blade rotational speed (i.e., number of rotations per min) and frequency (i.e., number of times a blade passes a point per min) affected the decision time (i.e., time to take-off), path choice (i.e., the position in the aviary), and decision to cross the rotor-swept area in Columba livia domestica (rock dove [domestic variety]; aka homing pigeon; hereafter, pigeon). We used a homemade device with paper blades, mimicking the movement of wind turbine blades. We adjusted the paper blade dimensions and achromatic contrast with the background to match the visual capabilities of pigeons, increasing the probability of detection. Pigeons were less likely to cross the rotor-swept area at higher speeds and frequencies, independent of their decision time. When pigeons crossed the rotor-swept area (43 out of 160 trials), 63% collided with the blades, regardless of blade speed or frequency. Pigeons chose to avoid the rotor-swept area after they had traveled half the distance to the wind turbine. Pigeons were not better able to avoid the rotor-swept area when blades were rotating at low speed and/or frequency and often collided with the blades. Thus, slowing blades to a low rotational speed may not reduce collisions with some species and a complete turbine shutdown may be necessary. The feasibility and economic costs of regular complete shutdowns after the deceleration triggered by the automatic detection systems need further investigation.