Data from: multiexciton interactions in singlet fission and triplet fusion upconversion dendrimers
Data files
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Singlet fission (SF) and triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC) are two multiexciton processes intimately related to the dynamic interaction between one high-lying energy singlet and two low-lying energy triplet excitons. Here, we introduce a series of dendritic macromolecules that serve as a platform to study the effect of interchromophore interactions on the dynamics of multiexciton generation and decay as a function of dendrimer generation. The dendrimers (generations 1-4) consist of trimethylolpropane (TMP) core and 2,2-bis(methylol)propionic acid (bis-MPA) dendrons that provide exponential growth of the branches, leading to a corona decorated with pentacenes for SF or anthracenes for TTA-UC. The findings reveal a trend where a few highly ordered sites emerge as the dendrimer generation grows, dominating the multiexciton dynamics, as deduced from optical spectra, and transient absorption spectroscopy. While the dendritic structures enhance TTA-UC at low annihilator concentrations in the largest dendrimers, the paired chromophore interactions induce a broadened and red-shifted excimer emission. In SF dendrimers of higher generations, the triplet dynamics become increasingly dominated by pairwise sites exhibiting strong coupling (Type II), which can be readily distinguished from sites with weaker coupling (Type I) by their spectral dynamics and decay kinetics.
README: Data from: multiexciton interactions in singlet fission and triplet fusion upconversion dendrimers
Model systems designed to investigate the multiexciton interactions in dendrimers (G1-G4). Anthracene (An) dendrimer is upconversion-active and pentacene (Pc) dendrimer is singlet fission-active.
UV-vis and fluorescence (including UCPL) of dendrimers were used to generate Fig 2 in this manuscript:
Raw transient absorption data sets using mechanical (fs label) and electronic (ns label) delays. Units are picoseconds for time and nm for wavelength. Sensitization data (sens label) are taken using the nanosecond configuration. These data were used to generate Fig 3 and 4 in this manuscript:
Description of the Data and file structure
Table of Contents
- An dendrimer:
- Anth-dendrimer UCPL raw data.csv
- TTA-UC dendrimer absorption chloroform.xlsx
- Pc dendrimer
- UV-vis
- G1_Pc_tol_4.txt
- G2_Pc_tol_4.txt
- G3_Pc_tol_4.txt
- G4_Pc_tol_4.txt
- FL
- G1_Pc_tol_4.txt
- G2_Pc_tol_4.txt
- G3_Pc_tol_4_bandwidth_20nm.txt
- G4_Pc_tol_4_bandwidth_20nm.txt
- TA-vis
- G1_Pc_dendrimer_fs.csv
- G1_Pc_dendrimer_ns.csv
- G2_Pc_dendrimer_fs.csv
- G2_Pc_dendrimer_ns.csv
- G3_Pc_dendrimer_fs.csv
- G3_Pc_dendrimer_ns.csv
- G4_Pc_dendrimer_fs.csv
- G4_Pc_dendrimer_ns.csv
- G1_Pc_dendrimer_fs_NIR.csv
- G2_Pc_dendrimer_fs_NIR.csv
- G3_Pc_dendrimer_fs_NIR.csv
- G4_Pc_dendrimer_fs_NIR.csv
- sensitization
- G1_Pc_dendrimer_sens.csv
- G2_Pc_dendrimer_sens.csv
- G3_Pc_dendrimer_sens.csv
- G4_Pc_dendrimer_sens.csv
- UV-vis
File/Folder Details
Folder Details for: "An dendrimer"
Details for: Anth-dendrimer UCPL raw data.csv
- The UCPL measurements for dendrimers and monomer
- A1: brief measurement condition
- The UCPL are averaged from 3 repeat measurements:
- row 3: labeled the samples
- row 4: concentration of dendrimers
- row 5: v1-v3 are 3 measurements.
- Each measurement includes two columns:
- Wavelength and Intensity
Details for: "TTA-UC dendrimer absorption chloroform.xlsx"
- The absorption spectra of dendrimers and monomer
- A1: brief measurement condition
- row 2: labeled the samples
- Column 1 is the wavelength and others are corresponding absorption spectra. (Note: TIPS-A ester (monomer) is the monomer and TIPS-anthracene is a reference here not shown in manuscript)
Folder Details for: "Pc dendrimer"
Details for: "UV-vis" and "FL"
The .txt files include the wavelength and absorption or FL intensity.
Details for: "TA-vis", "TA-NIR" and "sensitization"
- All the csv files are the matrix of transient spectra data which include: row 1 is the delay time; column 1 is wavelength; and the ΔAbs values as function of delay time and wavelength. All the fs files are after chirped correction and all ns files are after time-zero correction, which are used to make the figures in manuscript.
- "TA-vis" includes TA measurements in visible region. Delay time up to 7 ns for 'fs' labeled files. And delay time up to 200 us for 'ns' labeled files.
- "TA-NIR" includes TA measurements in NIR region. Delay time up to 7 ns for 'fs' labeled files.
- "sensitization" includes the sensitization TA measurement for dendrimers using 10 mM anthracene toluene solution. The delay time is up to 200 us.
An dendrimer:
Normalized absorbance spectra in chloroform at 0.03 mg/mL.
UCPL data were performed with PdTPTBP (50 uM) with corresponding annihilator concentration as shown.
Pc dendrimer:
UV-vis and fluorescence spectra were measured using the diluted pentacene dendrimer solution.
Transient absorption data were collected by Helios and EOS excited by 600 nm pulse Here, fs-TA data are after chirp correction and ns-TA are after time zero correction for figures in the manuscript.
Sensitization measurements were performed in toluene solution of anthracene (~10 mM) with low concentrations of dendrimers excited by 360 nm pulse. The data here are after time zero correction.