Initial litter quality and climate regulate the negative effects of fauna exclusion on litter decomposition in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: A global meta-analysis of enclosure studies
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Although the exclusion effects of faunal decomposers on litter decomposition have been extensively studied in different experimental contexts, a thorough comparison of the exclusion effects of faunal decomposers with different body sizes on litter decomposition and its possible regulatory factors in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is still lacking. Here, through a meta-analysis of 1207 pairs of observations from 110 studies in terrestrial ecosystems and 473 pairs of observations from 60 studies in aquatic ecosystems, we found that fauna exclusion reduced litter decomposition rates in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by 30% and 44% on average, respectively. At the global scale, the exclusion effects of macrofauna and mesofauna on litter decomposition rates (reduced by 38% and 36%, respectively) were greater than that of the combination of macrofauna and mesofauna (reduced by 30%). In terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the effects of fauna exclusion on litter decomposition rates were mainly regulated by climate and initial litter quality, but the effects of fauna exclusion with different body sizes were differently regulated by climate, initial litter quality, and abiotic environmental variables. These findings will help us better understand the role of faunal decomposers on litter decomposition, especially for faunal decomposers with different body sizes, and underscore the need to incorporate faunal decomposers with different body sizes into dynamic models of litter decomposition to examine the potential effects and regulatory mechanisms of land-water-atmosphere carbon fluxes.
README: Initial litter quality and climate regulate the negative effects of fauna exclusion on litter decomposition in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: A global meta-analysis of enclosure studies
The dataset contains 58 variables used in this meta-Analysis. "NA" in the dataset indicate missing data for relevant variable.
Column Units Description
Author, -- Author for reference
Country, -- Country for site
ID, -- Unique ID for each reference
exp_site, -- Unique ID for each site in reference
observations, -- Unique ID for each study in reference
latitude, °N or °S Latitude for site
longitude, °E or °W Longitude for site
Alt, m Altitude for site
MAT, °C Mean annual temperature
MAP, mm Mean annual precipitation
pre_level, -- Precipitation levels
SOC, g kg-1 Soil organic carbon
STN, g kg-1 Total soil nitrogen
Soil_C:N, -- Soil C:N ratio
PH, -- Soil pH
Water_temperature, °C Water temperature
Dissolved_O2, mg l-1 Levels of dissolved oxygen in water
Conductivity, μ s-1 cm-1 Water conductivity
NO3--N, mg l-1 Nitrate nitrogen in water
NH4--N, mg l-1 Ammonia nitrogen in water
Soluble_reactive_P, μg l-1 Soluble reactive phosphorus in water
Biome, -- Types of terrestrial ecosystems (forest; cropland; grassland)
ecosystem, -- Ecosystem types (aquatic and terrestrial)
climate.zones, -- Climatic zones
fine.mesh, um "Mesh size of fauna
coarse.mesh, um "Mesh size of fauna
mesh.class, -- Mesh size levels of the paired litterbags
fauna.exclusion.types, -- Types of excluded fauna based on the mesh size of the paired litterbags
litterbags_size, cm2 Area of litter bag
Study_length, day Decomposition duration
length_level, -- Decomposition duration levels in terrestrial ecosystem
Alength_level, -- Decomposition duration levels in aquatic ecosystem
harvesting_times, -- Numbers of litterbags were harvested
initail_mass, g Initial mass of litter
Plant_species, -- Name of plant species
litter_form, -- Forms of litter contained in the litter bag
litter_type, -- Types of litter contained in the litter bag
growth_form, -- Types of plant that produces litter
placement, -- Placements of litterbags
Plant_C, % Initial carbon content of litter
Plant_N, % Initial nitrogen content of litter
Plant_P, % Initial phosphorus content of litter
Plant_C:N, % Initial litter C:N ratio
Plant_C:P, % Initial litter C:P ratio
Plant_N:P, % Initial litter N:P ratio
Plant_Lignin, % Initial lignin content of litter
Plant_Lignin:N, % Initial litter lignin:N ratio
Plant_Cellulose, % Initial cellulose content of litter
Plant_HemiC, % Initial hemicellulose content of litter
Plant_Polyphenols, % Initial phenol content of litter
K_cm day-1 Litter decomposition coefficient for litterbag in the fauna included
K_fm, day-1 Litter decomposition coefficient for litterbag in the fauna excluded, -- Standard deviation of litter decomposition coefficient for litterbag in the fauna included, -- Standard deviation of litter decomposition coefficient for litterbag in the fauna excluded
cm.r, -- Number of replicates for litterbag in the fauna included
fm.r, -- Number of replicates for litterbag in the fauna excluded
yi, -- Natural logarithmic response ratio (lnRR)
wi -- Weight
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