Haematocrit, age and survival in a vertebrate population
Data files
Oct 27, 2021 version files 164.69 KB
164.69 KB
The dataset was collected from 2003 to 2017 following repeated (bi-annual) visits to the study site (Cousin Island, Seychelles). Haematocrit levels were obtained from individual birds (Seychelles warbler; Acrosephalus sechellensis) caught in mist nets. Indivudals were caught repeatedly across the study period - resulting in longitudinal haematocrit data. Sex of individuals was determined molecularly via blood sampling. Behavioural data (status, breed group, lay date) were deterimed from observatational montinoring of individuals (made possible by unique colour-banding) during bi-annual vivsits (1 - 3 months in duration). All data was inputted, managed and extracted using the central Access dataset of the Seychelles warbler project and analysed in Rstudio.
Usage notes
Each row corresponds to a unique haematocrit value from a unique capture event of an individual. Column names are largely self-explanatory.
BirdID is a unique number assigned to each individual in the population
Status refers for the social status of an individual within its breed group (Dom = Dominant Breeder, Sub = Subordinate).
Age refers to the age of the individual at capture.
Missing values in the CatchTime column means that the time of capture was not recorded.
BreedGroupID is a unique number assigned to a group of associated individuals (i.e. interacting around the same territory/nest) during a field season.
NearestLayDate is the closest date from the capture date (OccasionDate) at which the domiant breeding female of the individuals breed group laid an egg. DaysFromEgg is the number of days between the capture date and lay date. Negative values of DaysFromEgg means that the individual was caught before the egg was laid, while positive values indicate that the individual was caught after. Missing values in these colums means that an egg was not observed for that breed group during that field season.
LastSeen is the last date of the last fieldseason for which the individual was observed (i.e. death date).