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Field survey quadrat data - Exotic perennial grass invasion profiles differ between temperate threatened grassy communities

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Mar 16, 2022 version files 70.60 KB


Aim: Exotic perennial grasses are significant invaders of native grassy communities and frequently multiple species invade communities, some from nearby agricultural areas.  There is little understanding of the landscape distribution of many species, making prioritisation for control a difficult decision.

Location: New South Wales, Eastern Australia

Methods: We undertook field surveys of exotic perennial grasses at 139 sites from nine grassy threatened ecological communities across four regions and assessed whether the profiles of exotic species varied amongst regions and communities.  We used a ranking of invasion risk based on plant characteristics to identify exotic perennial grasses that were likely to be the most invasive and then tested whether this ranking predicted the level of invasion measured in the survey.

Results: Using multivariate analysis we found that the threatened grassy communities surveyed were significantly invaded by exotic perennial grasses and that these assemblages were regionally distinct and distinct for most plant communities. Five widespread invaders were particularly established in all regions and communities, but regions also had distinct sets of invaders contributing significantly to degradation. Invasion by trade-off species was the most significant threat to grassy communities in all regions.  We showed that species with higher risk rankings based on plant characteristics were recorded in more sites but there were a few grasses that were more invasive than their ranking predicted.

Main conclusions: Our findings indicate that management of grassy plant communities for exotic perennial grasses should be undertaken at the community level although there are a suite of species that are important invaders in the whole landscape where improved understanding of pathways of invasion are needed for management across regions.  We identified a set of species which are important invaders but are not a focus in management currently, largely because many of these are species used in pastures.  Our study illustrates that higher levels of invasion were associated with species that were ranked more invasive on plant characteristics and this ranking could be used to initially allocate priorities for management of threatened plant communities. Trade-off species remain the major cause of degradation and must be included in discussions of regional conservation.