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Wave-induced mixing in a numerical wave flume

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Paprota, Maciej (2024). Wave-induced mixing in a numerical wave flume [Dataset]. Dryad.


This dataset is a supplement to the article published in Earth System Dynamics. The article describes a semi-analytical solution to an advection–diffusion equation coupled with a nonlinear wavemaker model to investigate the effect of strong nonlinearity on wave-induced mixing. The numerical model is based on a pseudo-spectral solution of advection-diffusion equation and two theoretical approaches to the wavemaker problem - weakly-nonlinear analytical model and numerical model admitting higher nonlinearities. The results of numerical modeling of wave kinematics and associated mixing in a wave flume are provided.

The dataset comprises numerically predicted velocity and temperature fields. Matlab scripts are available, which display the data. Moreover, Matlab scipts for solution of advection-diffusion equation with a weakly-nonlinear input are provided (description of the model is presented in the journal paper). Please refer to a readme file for further details.

The data and the code may be freely used and modified.


README: Wave-induced mixing in a numerical wave flume

The dataset covers numerical results of wave-induced vertical mixing and Matlab scripts for solution of advection-diffusion equation with a weakly-nonlinear input.

Author: Maciej Paprota, Institute of Hydro-Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kościerska 7, 80-328 Gdańsk, Poland,
The dataset serves as a supplementary material to:

Desription of the data and file structure

The *.dat files contain data used to prepare figures in the article linked to this dataset i.e.:

a) initial conditions for starting-up an advection-diffusion numerical model:

- ini_temp_profile.dat: initial temparature profile along the water depth;
the colums are:
1st column - temperature (oC;
2nd column - relative water depth (z/h);

- ini_temp_space.dat: initial temperature spatial distribution in a wave flume;
h - water depth; x - horizontal coordinate; z - vertical coordinate;
the columns are:
1st column - relative horizontal distance from the wavemaker (x/h);
2nd column - relative water depth (z/h);
3rd column - temperature (oC);

You can use the script temp_ini_plots.m (on Zenodo) to plot the data and see more details on the data structure.

b) temperature and velocity fields in a wave flume:

\weakly_temp_kh[water_depth conditions]_Hh[wave_steepness].dat: temperature field for weakly-nonlinear model

\weakly_vel_kh[water_depth conditions]_Hh[wave_steepness].dat: velocity field for weakly-nonlinear model

\LMTV_temp_kh[water_depth conditions]_Hh[wave_steepness].dat: temperature field for fully-nonlinear model based on Lagrangian mean transport velocity

\LMTV_vel_kh[water_depth conditions]_Hh[wave_steepness].dat: Lagrangian mean transport velocity field for fully-nonlinear model

\EMTV_vel_kh[water_depth conditions]_Hh[wave_steepness].dat: Eulerian mean transport velocity field for fully-nonlinear model

the columns for temperature (temp) files are:
1st column - relative horizontal distance from the wavemaker (x/h);
2nd column - relative water depth (z/h);
3rd column - temperature (oC);

the columns for velocity (vel) files are:
1st column - relative horizontal distance from the wavemaker (x/h);
2nd column - relative water depth (z/h);
3rd column - horizontal velocity component (m/s);
4th column - vertical velocity component (m/s);

- u_profile_kh[water_depth conditions]: vertical velocity profile (along the depth) from a weakly-nonlinear theory;
the colums are:
1st column - horizontal velocity component (m/s);
2nd column - relative water depth (z/h);

[water_depth conditions] = 05, 10, 20 refer to kh = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, respectively,
[wave_steepness] = 005, 010, 020 refeer to Hh = 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, respectively, where
k - wave number; h water depth; H - wave height;

You can use the scripts vel_field_plots.m, vel_field_diff_plots.m and temp_field_plots.m (on Zenodo) to plot the data and see more details on the data strructure.

c) MatLab scripts for plotting the *.dat files (on Zenodo):
- temp_field_ini_plots.m - plots initial values of temperature (profile and space);
- temp_field_plots.m - plots calculated temperature fields;
- vel_field_diff_plots.m - plots calculated differences between velocity fields;
- vel_field_plots.m - plots calculated velocity fields;

d) Matlab scripts of an advection-diffusion modelling of wave-induced vertical mixing:
- heat2D_RK4.m - main program and working example using weakly nonlinear theory as an input;
- remaining *.m scripts are functions used in the main program.

For more information inspect the scripts, where a large number of comments provides a guidance how the code works with relevant references to equations.

No other locations of the dataset are available.


This dataset is an outcome of numerical models presented in the associated journal paper. The data were processed using scripts which are provided as a supplement to the data. Please refer to the readme file for further details.