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Data from: Tissue mechanics govern the rapidly adapting and symmetrical response to touch


PLEASE NOTE, THESE DATA WERE ALSO ANALYZED FOR A SUBSEQUENT PUBLICATION in eLife. PLEASE SEE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Recordings from Pacinian corpuscles in the 1960s showed that touch elicits symmetric activation followed by rapid adaptation. Sinusoidal stimulation resulted in frequency doubling within a sensitive frequency band, suggesting that these receptors function as frequency-tuned vibration sensors. At the time, the surrounding lamellar capsule was proposed to generate these response dynamics by acting as a mechanical filter. However, similar response dynamics have since been seen in many other mechanoreceptors, leading to controversy over the specificity of this hypothesis. Using a combination of in vivo electrophysiology, feedback-controlled mechanical stimulation, and simulation, we resolve this controversy in favor of a systems-level mechanical filter that is independent of specific anatomical features or specific mechanoelectrical transduction channels.