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Scripts in C for simulating the wave of gene advance under diverse systems of mating

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Hu, Xin-Sheng et al. (2021). Scripts in C for simulating the wave of gene advance under diverse systems of mating [Dataset]. Dryad.


This dataset includes 4 programs coded in C for simulating the wave of gene advance under diverse systems of mating. Program 1 was used for simulation under unifor density based on Equations (1) and (2) in the main text. Program 2 was used for simulation under uniform density based on Equations (5)-(11).  Program 3 was used for Monte Carlo (MC) simulation under uniform density. Program 4 was used for MC simulation under logistic growth model. Variable and parameter symbols within these programs are self-explanatory. You may simulate different cases by changing parameter settings.


Forestry Reform and Development Fund of China, Award: 2018-GDTK-08

South China Agricultural University, Award: 4400-K16013

Forestry Reform and Development Fund of China, Award: 2018-GDTK-08