Data from: Diet assessment of the Atlantic Sea Nettle Chrysaora quinquecirrha in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, using next-generation sequencing
Data files
Nov 10, 2016 version files 370.43 MB
Combined Gastric Lavage Build + Gastric Pouch.Tentacle Pick Contig Blast
31.61 MB
Combined Gastric Lavage Build + Gastric Pouch.Tentacle Pick
115.84 MB
Gastric Lavage
88.31 MB
Gastric Pouch.Tentacle Pick
92.04 MB
Table S1 Gastric Lavage Build Summary.xlsx
11.65 MB
Table S2 Gastric Pouch.Tentacle Pick Build Summary.xlsx
8.78 MB
Table S3 Combined Gastric Lavage Build + Gastric Pouch.Tentacle Pick Summary.xlsx
16.75 MB
Table S4 MEGAN assignments.xlsx
5.46 MB
Next generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies have proven useful in deciphering the food items of generalist predators, but have yet to be applied to gelatinous animal gut and tentacle content. NGS can potentially supplement traditional methods of visual identification. Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Atlantic sea nettle) has progressively become more abundant in Mid-Atlantic United States’ estuaries including Barnegat Bay (New Jersey), potentially having detrimental effects on both marine organisms and human enterprises. Full characterization of this predator's diet is essential for a comprehensive understanding of its impact on the food web and its management. Here we tested the efficacy of NGS for prey item determination in the Atlantic sea nettle. We implemented a NGS “shotgun” approach to randomly sequence DNA fragments isolated from gut lavages and gastric pouch/tentacle picks of 8 and 84 sea nettles, respectively. These results were verified by visual identification and co-occurring plankton tows. Over 550,000 contigs were assembled from ~110 million paired-end reads. Of these, 100 contigs were confidently assigned to 23 different taxa, including soft bodied organisms previously undocumented as prey species, including copepods, fish, ctenophores, anemones, amphipods, barnacles, shrimp, polychaete worms, flukes, flatworms, echinoderms, gastropods, bivalves, and hemichordates. Our results not only indicate that a “shotgun” NGS approach can supplement visual identification methods, but targeted enrichment of a specific amplicon/gene is not a prerequisite for identifying Atlantic sea nettle prey items.