Data from: The thermal sensitivity of growth and survival in a wild reptile with temperature-dependent sex determination
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Jun 07, 2024 version files 28.62 KB
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The Charnov-Bull hypothesis is the leading explanation for the evolution of environmental sex determination (ESD), which includes temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), the most common form of ESD. Charnov-Bull predicts a sex-by-incubation temperature interaction for fitness, matching offspring sex with thermal conditions that increase parental fitness. However, there is no general explanation for how the sex-by-temperature interaction arises. Two competing explanations for the interaction lie in the Survival to Maturity hypothesis (SM) and the Trivers-Willard extension (TW). Under SM, the sex that matures later is produced under optimal incubation regimes as the late-maturing sex accrues more mortality by maturation, while TW suggests that males are always produced under optimal incubation regimes as male mating success is more sensitive to condition (general health, vigor) than female fecundity. In a system where females mature later than males, as in the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), SM and TW generate opposite predictions for the effect of incubation temperature on juvenile survival. We incubated C. picta eggs under either female-promoting temperatures (28±3°C) or male-promoting temperatures (25±3°C), then released the hatchlings into their natal pond. We used a Bayesian capture-mark-recapture approach to follow their survival over two growing seasons. We found a 2% depression of biweekly survival in individuals incubated under the cooler temperature, providing subtle support to SM. Incubation treatments did not influence growth. Large-scale field experiments such as this one will be necessary for understanding TSD evolution, and we underline general principles to execute such experiments successfully.
README: Data from: The thermal sensitivity of growth and survival in a wild reptile with temperature-dependent sex determination
Data is from a mark-recapture study of painted turtle hatchlings in their natal pond. Eggs were collected in 2021 and incubated under two different temperature regimes. Hatchlings were kept in the laboratory overwinter and then released the following spring (2022). Researchers conducted sampling every two weeks (sampling occasion) for two days each time (sampling day). On capture, individuals had their midline carapace length and carapace height measured, then were immediately released.
The raw capture data is contained in "IndividualCaptures.csv". This contains one record per individual captured per sampling day.
The date of the sampling day (Date), the sampling occasion (Occasion), sampling day (Day), individual ID (ID), midline carapace length in mm (CL), and carapace height in mm (CH) are noted for each record.
Missing data code: NA
Individual metadata is contained in "HatchlingData.csv". This contains one row per individual and includes the individual ID (ID), the temperature treatment they were incubated under (Treatment: HIGH/LOW), the maternal turtle ID (MaternalID), egg mass measured within 24hours of laying (Egg Mass), carapace length on hatching in cm (CL), mass on hatchling in grams (Mass), the day individuals were released on (Release Day: 1/2), and the site they were released at (Release Site: 1/2).
Code for replicating the analysis and creating the figures is contained in "Rscript.R"
Painted turtle eggs were collected from Algonquin Provincial Park and incubated under two temperature regimes. The following year, individuals were released into their natal pond with unique identifiers painted on their back. Researchers returned every two weeks to the pond and sampled for individuals following a capture-mark-recapture methodology.