Data from: Understanding evolutionary rescue and parallelism in response to environmental stress
Data files
May 10, 2024 version files 6.09 KB
Evolutionary rescue, the process by which populations facing environmental stress avoid extinction through genetic adaptation, is a critical area of study in evolutionary biology. The order in which mutations arise and get established will be relevant to the population's rescue. This study investigates the degree of parallel evolution at the genotypic level between independent populations facing environmental stress and subject to different demographic regimes. Under density regulation, two regimes exist: in the former, the population can restore positive growth rates by adjusting its population size or through adaptive mutations, whereas in the second regime, the population is doomed to extinction unless a rescue mutation occurs. Analytical approximations for the likelihood of evolutionary rescue are obtained and contrasted with simulation results. We show that the initial level of maladaptation and the demographic regime significantly affect the level of parallelism. There is an evident transition between these two regimes. Whereas in the first regime, parallelism decreases with the level of maladaptation, it displays the opposite behavior in the rescue/extinction regime. These findings have important implications for understanding population persistence and the degree of parallelism in evolutionary responses as they integrate demographic effects and evolutionary processes.
This repository contains 3 files:
(1) One ".cpp" file for the estimate of the rescue/extinction probability:
C++ source code "rescue-L.cpp"
Requires the GSL scientific library:
Ubuntu systems installation through terminal:
(C++) ~ sudo apt-get install build-essential
(GSL) ~ sudo apt-get install gsl-bin
(GSL) ~ sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev
Ubuntu systems compilation through terminal:
~ c++ -O3 rescue-L.cpp -o [executable_name] -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas
After compilation, we will get an executable.
To run the code, we must provide it with input data.
The input data are:
i- sequence size
ii- carrying capacity
iii - mutation probability
iv - number of independent landscapes
v - maximum time (usually before this maximum as a consequence of extinction, or because the population reached the global optimum. The accessibility of the global optimum is extremely high. Because in the genotypic FGM there can exist other local optimum, in some few simulations the population can use this maximum time. So, usually, we make this time very long, around 10,000.)
vi - number of traits
vii - selection strength, which me make equal to 1
viii - mean value of phenotypic effects due to mutations
ix - initial fitness drop (the initial fitness is equal to (1 - drop_fitness)
x - Maximum fitness W_max
Here is an example of how to run the code in an Ubuntu terminal
./[executable_name] 12 10000 0.005 50000 10000 5 1.0 0.4 0.37 1.5
The output of the code is created in an .DAT file. The name of the file is RESCUE and also includes the values of parameter used.
The output contains 2 columns: value of the initial drop in fitness (parameter), the probability of extinction
The output was made simpler than in our version, which includes several other measurements, some not used.
(2) One ".cpp" file for the estimate of the degree and parallelism/mean path divergence:
C++ source code "parallel_evolution.cpp"
Requires the GSL scientific library:
Ubuntu systems installation through terminal:
(C++) ~ sudo apt-get install build-essential
(GSL) ~ sudo apt-get install gsl-bin
(GSL) ~ sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev
Ubuntu systems compilation through terminal:
~ c++ -O3 parallel_evolution.cpp -o [executable_name] -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas
After compilation, we will get an executable.
To run the code, we must provide it with input data.
The input data are:
i- sequence size
ii- carrying capacity
iii - mutation probability
iv - number of independent landscapes
v - maximum time (usually before this maximum as a consequence of extinction, or because the population reached the global optimum. The accessibility of the global optimum is extremely high. Because in the genotypic FGM there can exist other local optimum, in some few simulations the population can use this maximum time. So, usually, we make this time very long, around 10,000.)
vi - number of traits
vii - selection strength, which me make equal to 1
viii - mean value of phenotypic effects due to mutations
ix - initial fitness drop (the initial fitness is equal to (1 - drop_fitness)
x - Maximum fitness W_max
Here is an example of how to run the code in an Ubuntu terminal
./[executable_name] 12 10000 0.005 50000 10000 5 1.0 0.4 0.37 1.5
The output of the code is created in two .DAT file. The names of the files are Parallel_MAX and Descent, and also includes the values of parameter used.
The file Parallel_MAX presents the values of the metrics of evolutionary pathways built storing the information about the highest fitness
The file Descent presents the values of the metrics of evolutionary pathways built using the line of descent
The output of the first file contains 8 columns: value of the initial drop in fitness (parameter), degree of parallelism, its corresponding standard error, parallelism of ending points, its corresponding standard error, mean path divergence, its corresponding standard error, accessibility of the global optimum
The output of the second file contains 5 columns: value of the initial drop in fitness (parameter), degree of parallelism, its corresponding standard error, mean path divergence, its corresponding standard error
(3) an example for the output of the code in item (1). The first column of the output file shows the value of the initial drop in fitness. The second column presents the extinction probability. The name of the output file already provides the values of the parameters used to produce the data. In this example, Rescue-L12-K10000-ntraits5-U0.005-lambda0.4-Wmax1.5.dat, one has sequence size L=12, initial population size K=10000, number of traits is 5, mutation probability U=0.005, the mean phenotypic effect of mutations is 0.4, and the maximum reproductive rate is 1.5.