Evolutionary history and analysis of iridescent ultraviolet butterfly scales
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Ficarrotta, Vincent; Martin, Arnaud; Counterman, Brian; Pyron, Alex (2023). Evolutionary history and analysis of iridescent ultraviolet butterfly scales [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.8931zcrx3
Iridescent ultraviolet (IUV) patterns on pierid butterfly wings are phenotypic adaptations commonly used as sexual signals, generated by scales with ultrastructural modifications. Pierid IUV patterns are sexually dichromatic, with reduced size in females, where conspicuous sexual signaling balances courtship against ecological predation. There have been no phylogenetic reconstructions of IUV within Pieridae and little morphological characterization of phenotypic diversity. Our genus-wide characterization of IUV revealed the uniform similarity of stacked lamellar ridges on the dorsal surface of cover scales. We tested a hypothesis of single versus multiple origins by reconstructing a phylogeny of 534 species (~43.2% described species), with all genera represented, and a trait matrix of 734 species (~59.4%) screened for IUV. A single, early dimorphic origin of IUV followed by several losses and gains received strong support, concluding that IUV patterns and structural coloration are old traits. Collectively, these results support the homology of IUV scales and patterns that diversified within several lineages, suggesting an interplay between female-mediated sexual selection and ecological predatory selection.
README: Evolutionary history and analysis of iridescent ultraviolet butterfly scales
Data for: Early phylogenetic origin and repeated ecological implementation of iridescent UV signaling in pierid butterflies
READ ME: directory structure and file descriptions
File Structure
|-Butterfly Photo Credits
| |-butterfly-photo-credits.ods
|-IUV Scoring QC
| |-data-tree_overlap_7-7-2022.csv
| |-genus_uv_7-7-2022.csv
| |-genus_uv_overlap_7-7-2022.csv
| |-uvg_7-7-2022.csv
| |-IUV_scoring_QC.r
|-Phylogeny and Ancestral State Reconstruction
| |-Phylogeny Build
| | |-bad_seqs.py
| | |-bad_taxa.py
| | |-Pieridae_7114.table
| | |-Pieridae_7114_final.outaln
| | |-Pieridae_7114_final_GB.csv
| | |-Pieridae_7114_SHL_names.tre
| |-ASR-IUV_analysis.r
| |-full-tree_species.csv
| |-Pieridae_7114_final_names_trim_dates_2-22-2022.tre
| |-plotting_ASR-IUV_output.r
| |-uv_mat_syn-edit-V2_2-22-22.csv
|-Ridge Density
| |-ridge_dens_master_v2.csv
| |-ridge_density_analysis.r
|-Species Lists
| |-gbif-species-list_synedit.csv
| |-master-sp-list_extant-only_7-7-2022.csv
|-Spectral Analysis
| |-IUV raw text files.gzip
| |-IUV_spec-analysis_5-22-22.r
| |-tables_master_7-7-2022.xlsx
Description of file contents
Butterfly Photo Credits
Credits for butterfly images in Figure 1 ordered by their numbers. (List of species names, photographers)
IUV Scoring QC
These files produce supplemental figure 2 which demonstrates the reduced dataset does not lose analytical power.
- data-tree_overlap_7-7-2022: all species in both the scored dataset and the constructed tree. (List of species names, UV scores)
- genus_uv_7-7-2022: all genera/species with IUV in dataset. (List of species names, UV scores according to whether UV is present in males, females or both (mutual))
- genus_uv_overlap_7-7-2022: all genera/species with IUV overlapping within the uv_mat_syn-editV2_2-55-55.csv UV scoring dataset and the Pieridae_7114_final_names_trim_dates_2-22-2022.tre tree. (List of species names, UV scores according to whether UV is present in males, females or both (mutual))
- uvg_7-7-2022: CSV containing the final species list with UV scores for plotting the quality check. The species are further scored on whether they are included in the tree (Pieridae_7114_final_names_trim_dates_2-22-2022.tre), the uv score dataset (uv_mat_syn-edit-V2_2-22-22.csv) or both. (List of species names, UV scores according to whether UV is present in males, females or both (mutual))
- IUV_scoring_QC: r code used to generate the plot using the above .csv files.
Phylogeny and Ancestral State Reconstructions
- bad_seqs.py: sequences dropped from the phylogenetic analysis (list of species names)
- bad_taxa.py: taxa dropped from the phylogenetic analysis (list of species names)
- Pieridae_7114.table: Genbank sequence metadata from PyPHLAWD analysis
- Pieridae_7114_final.outaln: Sparse supermatrix from PyPHLAWD
- Pieridae_7114_final_GB.csv: Genbank accessions for sparse supermatrix from PyPHLAWD
- Pieridae_7114_SHL_names.tre: Dated, named tree from congruify analysis
- ASR-IUV_analysis.r: R code for generating all ancestral state reconstruction models and analyses
- full-tree_species.csv: CSV of all species in tree (list of species names)
- Pieridae_7114_final_names_trim_dates_2-22-2022.tre: copy and renamed final tree from congruify
- plotting_ASR-IUV_output.r.r: R code for plotting Figure 1 tree, Figure
- uv_mat_syn-edit-V2_2-22-22.csv: full dataset of screened museum specimens for IUV (list of species names, UV scores according to whether UV is present in males, females or both (mutual))
Ridge Density
- ridge_dens_master_v2.csv: dataset of measured ridge density for plotting Figure 2B (List species names, density of ridges continuous values (ridges per micrometer))
- ridge_density_analysis.r: R code to generate plot in figure 2B
Species Lists
- gbif-species-list_synedit.csv: accepted species list of all described Pieridae including fossils (list of species names)
- master-sp-list_extant-only_7-7-2022.csv: accepted species list of all described Pieridae without fossils (list of species names)
Spectral Analysis
IUV raw text files.gzip: raw spectral data in .txt format. must be unzipped (species names, trial number, continuous reflectance data) IUV_spec-analysis.r: R code for wrangling and plotting spectral data
tables_master_7-7-2022.xlsx: spreadsheet with two panes. The first pane shows model scores of strict presence/absence and the estimated transition rates of the highest scoring model. The second pane shows model scores including male and female scores and the estimated transition rates of the highest scoring model. Both panes are published as tables in the full manuscript.
Sharing and Access
Contents are accessible at the following GitHub URL: https://github.com/vficarrotta/Pierid_IUV_2023
Museum Scoring: Performed using a modified ultraviolet detecting camera and black light light source on museum specimens to score for presence/absence.
SEM images: Wing samples were mounted to stubs using copper tape and imaged using an FEI Teneo LV SEM
Ridge Density: SEM images of wing scales were measured in photoshop and analyzed in R.
Phylogeny: Molecular sequences were scraped from Genbank. Processed using python and bash scripts. Analysis performed using RAxML.
Spectral Data: collected using an Ocean Optics spectrophotometer. Analyses performed in R.
National Science Foundation, Award: DEB-1441719