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Benthos Dataset; segmented photomosaics from three oceanic environments

Data files

Feb 24, 2021 version files 7.40 GB


Reefs constitute some of the richest and most diverse environments on the planet, manifesting in complex biogenic 3D structures. As such, they are intensively studied. In benthic images, full segmentation (where every pixel is classified) is difficult and labour-intensive to achieve using human-based manual labeling. To solve that, we utilize label-augmentation, i.e., propagation of sparse manual labels to accelerate this task and achieve full map segmentation.

The Benthos dataset contains fully labeled photomosaics from three oceanic environments with over 4500 segmented objects useful for research in computer-vision and benthic ecology. This folder also contains a Matlab script for extracting community statistics from labeled photomosaics.