Data from: Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities
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Jul 07, 2022 version files 1.41 GB
The global distribution of primary production and consumption by humans (fisheries) is well-documented, but we have no map linking the central ecological process of consumption within food webs to temperature and other ecological drivers. Using standardized assays that span 105° of latitude on four continents, we show that rates of bait consumption by generalist predators in shallow marine ecosystems are tightly linked to both temperature and the composition of consumer assemblages. Unexpectedly, rates of consumption peaked at midlatitudes (25 to 35°) in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres across both seagrass and unvegetated sediment habitats. This pattern contrasts with terrestrial systems, where biotic interactions reportedly weaken away from the equator, but it parallels an emerging pattern of a subtropical peak in marine biodiversity. The higher consumption at midlatitudes was closely related to the type of consumers present, which explained rates of consumption better than consumer density, biomass, species diversity, or habitat. Indeed, the apparent effect of temperature on consumption was mostly driven by temperature-associated turnover in consumer community composition. Our findings reinforce the key influence of climate warming on altered species composition and highlight its implications for the functioning of Earth’s ecosystems.
README: Data from: Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities
Corresponding authors and contact information
Matt Whalen (
Emmett Duffy (
The Bitemap project ( was organized by the Smithsonian Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network (MarineGEO) with the goal of mapping marine consumption of small predators (fish and decapods) in shallow seagrass ecosystems at a global scale. Briefly, we combined 24-hr consumption squidpop assays (tethered dried squid bait) with predator surveys (seining and video) and with a variety of abiotic and biotic data to address questions about the shape and drivers of global patterns in marine consumption rates.
This data repository contains all data collected and used in analysis for the 2016/2017 efforts that gave rise to the publication at PNAS (citation below). Data span 105 degrees of latitude on five continents.
Published Paper
Whalen, M. A., R. D. B. Whippo, J. J. Stachowicz, P. H. York, E. Aiello, T. Alcoverro, A. H. Altieri, L. Benedetti-Cecchi, C. Bertolini, M. Bresch, F. Bulleri, P. E. Carnell, S. Cimon, R. M. Connolly, M. Cusson, M. S. Diskin, E. D’Souza, A. A. V. Flores, F. J. Fodrie, A. W. E. Galloway, L. C. Gaskins, O. J. Graham, T. C. Hanley, C. J. Henderson, C. M. Hereu, M. Hessing-Lewis, K. A. Hovel, B. B. Hughes, A. R. Hughes, K. M. Hultgren, H. Jänes, D. S. Janiak, L. N. Johnston, P. Jorgensen, B. P. Kelaher, C. Kruschel, B. S. Lanham, K.-S. Lee, J. S. Lefcheck, E. Lozano-Álvarez, P. I. Macreadie, Z. L. Monteith, N. E. O’Connor, A. D. Olds, J. K. O’Leary, C. J. Patrick, O. Pino, A. G. B. Poore, M. A. Rasheed, W. W. Raymond, K. Reiss, O. K. Rhoades, M. T. Robinson, P. G. Ross, F. Rossi, T. A. Schlacher, J. Seemann, B. R. Silliman, D. L. Smee, M. Thiel, R. K. F. Unsworth, B. I. van Tussenbroek, A. Vergés, M. E. Yeager, B. K. Yednock, S. L. Ziegler, and J. E. Duffy. 2020. Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Zenodo DOI badge
contains code for reproducing results
Core data for this project are located in the folder "Data/"
All analysis for the project are located in the folder "R code and analysis/"
Dryad data repository
contains raw, external, and processed data files
Data description
data files held in Dryad
For Dryad, we provide the raw data used in the analysis (both produced during the project and harvested from external sources) along with processed data files that combine relevant elements of multiple data sources used in the analysis. For more information on data processing, including the code used to replicate the analysis, please visit our Zenodo page (link above)
Raw data files and descriptions
squidpop assay data
- contains raw data for squidpop assays used to measure consumption rates of marine predators
- inlcudes deployment dates and times, habitat type, number and proportion of squidpops deployed and retrieved, site information (Country, Institution, latitude, longitude), and notes about assays and data entry
- Timestamp column refers to when data were uploaded by partners and is not available in every case
- habitat type is Seagrass Meadow or unvegetated sediments (Sandy Bottom, Muddy Bottom) or Rocky Reef or Artifical Habitat
seine survey data
- contains raw data from beach seine surveys of predator communities at sites where squidpop assays took place
- includes site information (Site Name, Country, latitude, longitude), habitat type, data and time of survey, taxonomic identities (Phylum, Genus, Species), body sizes (Length), and Abundances of sampled organisms, and notes about the surveys
- column Q/PA indicates whether the organism was quantified for size or just counted. We asked partners to measure the sizes of the first 25 individuals of a given taxon encountered and then count the remaining without measuring sizes
- habitat type is Seagrass or unvegetated sediments (Unveg)
video data
- contains raw data from underwater video camera recordings made at sites where squidpop assays were conducted
- includes Site information (Site Name, Country, latitude, longitude), habitat type, data and time of video camera deployment, taxonomic identities (Genus, Species) and body sizes (Length) of consumers, the number of strikes on the bait, and data on whether strikes led to removal of bait
- column "Deployment Type" indicates whether video cameras were pointed at squidpops used in assays or a bait bag used to generally attract predators.
- column Q/PA indicates whether the organism was quantified for size or not
- habitat type is Seagrass or unvegetated sediments (Unveg)
environmental data from sites at the times of surveys
- contains abiotic environmental data collected by partners during squidpop assays
- includes Site information (Site.Name, Country, latitude, longitude), habitat type, date and time of measurements, temperature measurement (degrees Celsius) and salinity (PSU), and notes about the conditions
- habitat type is Seagrass or unvegetated sediments (Unveg)
- in most cases temperature was measured directly in the field by partners (in situ measurements), but in other cases these data were taken from nearby sensors or from AquaMODIS satellite sensor
- contains information about seagrass at each sites
- includes Site information (country, siteName, latitude, longitude), seagrass species, shoot density per square meter, percent cover, and canopy height, and notes about these data
- in some cases these variables were measured directly in the field, while in other cases these data were estimated
- these data were NOT included in the paper, but we include them here for completeness
External data used in data analysis
Note, in most cases, these data are processed to isolate data for relevant species or locations
predator traits
- contains slope and intercept values for length-weight regressions for fish species from FishBase ( and Reef Life Survey (
- we used these information to calculate biomass for organisms sampled in seine surveys
- contains a variety of trait data compiled from Fishbase, Reef Life Survey, and expert knowledge
- includes metadata SciName (the scientific name of the organism), name (a shortened combination of genus and species), taxonomic family
- act - categorical variable separated "active" foraging consumers from less active foragers (e.g. "ambush" predators)
- food - approximate trophic level of what the species eats
- asp - aspect ratio (A = h2/s, h = height of the caudal fin; s = surface area of fin)
- feed - feeding type [possible values = "browsing on substrate", "browsing on substrate;hunting macrofauna (predator)", "filtering plankton", "grazing on aquatic plants", "hunting macrofauna (predator)", "picking parasites off a host (cleaner)", "selective plankton feeder", "variable"]
- troph - trophic group [possible values = "omnivore","benthic invertivore","browsing herbivore","benthic invertivore;planktivore","benthic invertivore;higher carnivore","planktivore","higher carnivore","cleaner","benthic invertivore;cleaner","higher carnivore;planktivore","scraping herbivore"]
- watercol - water column usage [possible values = "demersal", "benthic", "pelagic non-site attached","demersal;pelagic site attached","pelagic site attached","demersal;pelagic non-site attached"]
- body - categories for body shapes - [possible values = "short and / or deep","fusiform / normal","elongated;fusiform / normal","elongated","eel-like","crab","fusiform / normal;short and / or deep","shrimp","other","eel-like;other","elongate","hermit crab","squid","mammal"]
Human population density
- these data are sourced from the Gridded Population of the World (GPW) database, v4 (
- data were resolved in grids of 15 minutes latitude/longitude
- population densities were calculated from grid cells containing sites (column "pop") and from all grid cells within 30km of each site (column "pop30")
- see Zenodo (linked above) for code to reproduce these data
SeaAroundUs fishing pressure data
- these data are from the SeaAroundUS Project (
- units should be tonnes (thousands of kilograms)
- catch of large pelagic species was excluded from this dataset
- data for individual sites were extracted using the R pacakge seaaroundus
- includes site information (site code), and catch data (minimum, maximum, and mean)
- see Zenodo (linked above) for code to reproduce these data
Bio-ORACLE remotely sensed data
- Bio-ORACLE provided data on mean annual temperature and phytoplankton production that were used in the analysis, along with other variables that were not included in the final analysis
- note that Bio-ORACLE uses a new interface for downloading dataset (
- original data are included in this dataset for completeness, but we also provide summarized data for ease of use
Folder /BioORACLE
- contains all of the variables originally downloaded from Bio-ORACLE site in 2010 (as part of a different project)
- in Dryad, these all appear as .rar and .asc files with filenames that
- contains all of the Bio-ORACLE data
- see Bio-ORACLE website for details on columns names and measurements (
- includes Site information (Country, Site code, hemisphere, ocean basin, coastline, latitude, longitude)
- variables: calcite chlomax chlomean chlomin chlorange cloudmax cloudmean cloudmin damax damean damin dissox nitrate parmax parmean ph phos phosphate salinity silicate sstmax sstmean sstmin sstrange
- chlo = chlorophyll a
- par = photosynthetically active radiation
- sst = sea surface temperature (degrees Celsius)
- da = diffuse attenuation
- variables used in the paper included chlomean and sstmean
- other variables were analyzed, but not included in the final paper
Processed data files and descriptions
site information
- metadata for sites
- inlcudes Country Code, Site Code, and mean latitude and longitude of each site
compiled table for analysis
- this data files contains all of the data used in modeling consumption rate (measured using squidpop assays described above) as a function of potential drivers based on data described above.
- Site = code for site ID used in paper
- abLat = absolute mean latitude
- habitat = habitat information (Seagrass vs Unvegetated sediments)
- rate = consumption rate (per hour) on squidpops measured using individual Poisson regression models for each assay. This is the main response variable in the paper
- sstmean = mean annual sea surface temperature (degrees C) from Bio-ORACLE
- temp = in situ temperature (degrees C) from in situ and other local measurements (see environmental data above)
- chlomean = mean annual chlorophyll-a (milligrams per cubic meter) from Bio-ORACLE
- ENSPIE = effective number of consumer species based on probabiliy of interspecific encounter. See Chase & Knight 2013 Ecology Letters for a nice expanation of this index. Only applies to sites with seining data
- richness = species richness of consumers sampled with seine surveys
- cpua = catch per unit area of consumers sampled in seine surveys
- logbio = log10-transformed biomass of consumers sampled in seine surveys. Biomass was estimated from size and abundance data using length-weight regression coefficients described above
- catch_min, catch_max, catch_mean = minimum, maximum, and mean catch from SeaAroundUs data described above. These form our estimates of fishing pressure
- pop, pop30 = human population densities described above from the Gridded Population of the World (GPW) database, v4
- hemi = hemisphere (North or South)
- coast = West or East Coast
- logcatch = log10-transformed fishing pressure data (based on catch_min)
- logpop, logpop30 = log10-transformed human population densities described above
- logchl = log10-transformed chlorophyll-a data as described above
- logabun = log10-transformed
- MDS1, MDS2 = first two axes from unconstrained ordination (principal coordinates analysis) of species presence absence data using Raup-Crick dissimilarities
- bio.filt,cpua.filt = biomass and catch per unit area of consumers that were retained in the dataset after filtering for taxa that were positively associated with consumption rate based on constrained ordination (redundant discriminant analysis) using consumption rate as an a priori predictor of consumer composition across sites
- act.ratio = the ratio of active foraging consumers to less active (e.g. ambush) foragers in each habitat type at each site
- FRic,qual.Fric,FEve,FDis,RaoQ,FGR = functional diversity measures calculated from consumer trait data using R package FD. Two measures of Functional Richness, Functional Evenness, Functional Dispersion, Rao's Q, and Functional Group Richness. See the R help page for more detailed information (
- act,feed,troph,watercol,body = community-weighted mean traits for acitivty, feeding type, trophic group, water column usage, and body shape as described above for predator traits
- length = average total length (millimeters) of fish sampled in seine surveys
- log.mass.rda,log.cpua.rda = log10-transformed biomass and catch per unit area of taxa selected using redundant discriminant analysis described above for variables bio.filt and cpua.filt
The core data for this project consist of 1) results of marine consumption assays in which small pieces of squid were tethered to stacks (squidpops) and placed inside and outside of shallow seagrass meadows, 3) water tempearture records collected at the time of the assays, 2) counts from surveys of consumers (fish and large invertebrates) using hand-pulled seines, and 3) summaries of surveys of consumers and their interactions with squidpops collected using underwater videography. These core data are included in their rawest form. Various data summaries produced in R are also included. See Usage Notes below about location of R scripts.
Data for several explanatory variables were accessed from sources external to the project and the core dataset. The pieces of data used in the project are included in this dataset and they can be summarized as follows:
- environmental variables from Bio-ORACLE
- human population densities from the Gridded Population of the World
- fishing pressure data from the Sea Around Us project
- taxonomy and species traits from FishBase and the Reef Life Survey
In addition to raw data and pre-processed external data, we include a compilation of data from multiple sources that were used in statstical modeling analysis for the paper.
More information on individual data files and their contents, please see the accompanying file.
Usage notes
This dataset contains the core and supporting data for the MarineGEO Bitemap project (, which seeks to map and understand the global distribution of consumption pressure in coastal marine ecosystems. This dataset contains core data about field feeding assays using tethered dried squid and surveys of predator communities. We include additional data about sites and about the organisms the live in the shallow seagrass and unvegetated habitats we surveyed.
There are a series of R scripts that are used to process and analyze the dataset. These scripts are available at