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Data from: Cryptic and pseudo-cryptic diversity in the world’s most common bark beetle – Hypothenemus eruditus


Hypothenemus eruditus is regarded as the world’s most common bark beetle, collected from numerous host plants on all forested continents. Previous taxonomic treatments remark that the species is morphologically variable and difficult to identify, but to date, no study has analyzed molecular data to investigate possible cryptic or seemingly cryptic (pseudo-cryptic) diversity in this species. We sequenced 216 specimens matching or closely resembling the currently accepted description of H. eruditus for a mitochondrial (COI) and a nuclear marker (28S), and scored six morphological characters. We also compared the morphology of H. eruditus syntypes and type material of 26 synonymized species with the sequenced material. The sequenced material grouped in 21 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) supported by both molecular and morphological data, 17 of which were part of an apparent H. eruditus species complex. Another nine cryptic OTUs, distinguishable only by molecular data, were also included in the complex. Only one of the OTUs revealed a morphological match with the H. eruditus syntypes. The 26 synonymized species were split into 14 tentative morphs, 11 of which did not match the H. eruditus syntypes. We argue that many of our sequenced OTUs deserve species status, and that many species synonymized under H. eruditus should be resurrected.