Migration statistics and animal biometrics for mule deer that migrated long-distances (2011–2020), Wyoming, USA
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Billions of animals migrate to track seasonal pulses in resources. Optimally timing migration is a key strategy, yet the ability of animals to compensate for phenological mismatches en route is largely unknown. We studied a population of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Wyoming that lack reliable cues on their desert winter range, causing them to start migration 70 days ahead to 52 days behind the wave of spring green-up. By adjusting movement speed and stopover use, however, individual deer arrive at the summer range within an average 6-day window. Late migrants move 2.5 times faster and spend 72% less time on stopovers than early migrants, which allows them to catch the green wave. Ungulates, and potentially other migratory species, possess cognitive abilities to recognize where they are in space and time relative to key resources. Such behavioral capacity may allow migratory taxa to maintain foraging benefits amid rapidly changing phenology.
Animal capture and handling
From 2014–2020, we captured n = 220 adult female mule deer (>1-yr-old) in the Red Desert near Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA (41° 35′N, 109° 12′W) as part of a long-term study. We recaptured deer each March and December for a total of n = 528 animal-years of data. All deer were captured via helicopter net-gunning1,2. Mule deer in this portion of the Sublette Herd migrate a variety of distances to their summer ranges in northwestern Wyoming3,4. Herein, we focused on n = 72 long-distance migrants (n = 152 animal-years) that migrated 134–293 km and spent the summer north of Pinedale, WY (42° 51′N, 109° 51′W). During captures, we used an electronic platform scale (± 0.1 kg) to measure body mass (kg) and a portable ultrasound (Ibex, E.I. Medical Imaging, Loveland, CO) to measure maximum rump fat (mm). Following previously applied methods5, we used body mass, maximum rump fat, and a body-condition score to estimate percent-scaled ingesta-free body fat (IFBFat)5,6. For captures in March, we used an ultrasound to determine pregnancy, including fetal rate (number of fetuses per deer) and fetal development via measures of the fetal eye diameter (mm). To estimate the age of each deer, we extracted the lower right incisiform canine and used cementum annuli aging technique7–9, which was conducted by the Matson’s Laboratory in Manhattan, Montana, USA. From 2014–2020, we outfitted all deer with store-on-board or iridium GPS collars that collected locations every 1–2 hrs (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Isanti, MN, USA; Lotek Wireless, Newmarket, ON, CAN; Telonics, Mesa, AZ, USA). We also included GPS collar data from a previous study on the Sublette Mule Deer Herd (2011–2013)4 to analyze movement for n = 27 additional deer (n = 66 animal-years), which were outfitted with store-on-board GPS collars that collected locations every 3 hours (Telonics, Mesa, AZ, USA). All animal capture and handling protocols were approved by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (Chapter 33-937) and an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Wyoming (20131111KM00040, 20151204KM00135, 20170215KM00260, 20200302MK00411).
Delineation of migratory routes and seasonal ranges
We used Net Square Displacements (NSDs10) to determine the timing of spring and autumn migration, delineate migratory routes, and determine the net displacement (km) between the start of spring migration and each GPS location along the migratory route. We determined winter range use for each deer by extracting GPS locations between the end of autumn migration and the start of spring migration (or between the time of capture and start of spring migration if the end of autumn migration was unknown). We determined summer range use for each deer by extracting GPS locations between the end of spring migration and the start of autumn migration (or between the end of spring migration and time of collar failure or mortality on summer range). We used a 95% Kernel Utilization Distribution (KUD11) to delineate the winter range (41.63 ± 7.26 km2 [x̄ ± 95% CI]) and summer range (7.26 ± 1.61 km2) of each animal-year. We removed 0.10%, 0.09%, and 0.24% of all GPS locations during migration, on winter range, and on summer range, respectively, because the movement rate between consecutive locations was greater than 10.8 km/hr and indicated an inaccurate GPS fix.
Green wave surfing
We evaluated the ability of mule deer to track green-up of plants during spring migration by analyzing the synchronicity between movement and peak IRG. We determined IRG by extracting the first derivative of double-logistic curves that were fitted to the annual time series of NDVI12. Days from peak IRG (hereafter referred to as Days-From-Peak) were calculated as the difference in days between the date of every GPS location for a deer and the date of peak IRG at the same GPS location12,13. A theoretically perfect surfer occupies a location on the same day that peak IRG occurs (Days-From-Peak = 0)12. We calculated mean Days-From-Peak and IRG for each day and kilometer of an individual’s migration to reduce pseudoreplication and account for irregular GPS fixes12,13. We quantified an individual’s location on the green wave at the start and end of spring migration by calculating the difference in days between the mean date of peak IRG on each seasonal range and the date an individual departed their winter range or arrived at their summer range.
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