Biweekly soil betaglucosidase enzyme activities and weather data
Data files
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In situ soil respiration is driven by annual patterns of temperature and soil moisture; but, what about extracellular enzyme activities responsible for depolymerizing soil organic matter? We conducted biweekly measurements of potential soil β-glucosidase activities during a four-month period from March soil thawing through July in annually cropped field plots in eastern South Dakota. Our objective was to determine the best sampling time to resolve effects of crop rotational diversity on soil microbial activities. Potential β-glucosidase activities were elevated immediately following soil thaw, peaked in May, and declined to their lowest value in mid-summer. Temperature and precipitation had no value in predicting enzyme activities; however, enzyme activities were affected by crop rotational diversity and responded to current crop and previous crop. These findings are pertinent to the use of soil extracellular enzymes in soil health assessments and as indicators of microbial substrate preference with implications for soil carbon stabilization.
README: Biweekly soil betaglucosidase enzyme activities and weather data
Description of the data and file structure
We measured beta-glucosidase activities on soil samples collected at biweekly intervals from the CS rotation and three, four-year crop rotations that each included corn and soybean. The experimental design was a randomized, complete block field experiment. As every crop is present every year in these field plots, we sampled all crop phases for each rotation within a single year to examine the effects of the entire rotation, current crop, and previous crop under identical weather conditions. Weather data was collected by an on-site weather station.
Files and variables
There are two files: one with the temperature and precipitation data, and one with the soil beta-glucosidase activities.
File: Lehmanetal_TempPrecipMar_July2016.xlsx
Temperature and precipitation variables: Year data collected, Julian Data (day of year), Full Date (month/day/year), Average daily air temperature (celsius), Minimum daily air temperature (celsius), Maximum daily air temperature (celsius), Daily precipitation (inches), Daily precipitation (mm).
File: Lehmanetal_Enzyme_activities.xlsx
Soil beta-glucosidase activities variables: Sampling Date (month/day/year), Week sampled (1 to 9 sampling events), Plot is research plot number, Block is replicate block, Treatment is numbered and refers to the crop rotation and identifies which crop in the rotation is current during the sampling year, Current Crop is the crop present in the sampling year, Previous crop is the crop that was present in the previous year before sampling, Rotation is the abbreviated sequence of crops in the crop rotation, Beta-glucosidase Activity is the measured activity of beta-glucosidase enzymes (mg nitrophenol/kg soil x hour).
Abbreviations: Soil samples were collected in all crop phases of four rotations: CS; corn – pea (Pisum sativum L.) – winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – soybean (CPWwS); corn – oat (Avena sativa) – winter wheat – soybean (COWwS); and corn – soybean – spring wheat – sunflower (Helianthus annuus) (CSSwSu). All crop phases for each rotation were present every year.
We measured betaglucosidase activities on soil samples collected at biweekly intervals from a corn-soybean rotation and more diverse four-year crop rotations that each included corn and soybean. As every crop is present every year in these field plots, we sampled all crop phases for each rotation within a single year to examine the effects of the entire rotation, current crop, and previous crop under identical weather conditions. On-site weather station recorded daily temperature and precipitation for the study duration.