SNP dataset for Buchenavia oxycarpa
Data files
Nov 12, 2019 version files 1.50 MB
1.50 MB
Wallace’s (1854) Riverine Barrier hypothesis is one of the earliest explanations for Amazon biotic diversification. Despite the importance of this hypothesis for explaining speciation in some animal groups, it has not been studied extensively for plant species. In this study we use a prominent Amazon tree, Buchenavia oxycarpa (Mart.) Eichler (Combretaceae), to evaluate Wallace’s hypothesis along the Rio Negro, a major Amazon tributary that has driven allopatric speciation for several animal taxa. We sampled six individuals from sixteen localities along both river banks, and used a modified ddRADseq protocol to identify SNP markers. Our population genomic data revealed strong genetic structure for B. oxycarpa sampled across banks of the Rio Negro (ϕCT = 0.576, P < 0.001), supporting the hypothesis that the Rio Negro acted as a significant genetic barrier for B. oxycarpa. Our study shows that gene flow for this large and well-dispersed Amazon tree is impeded by riverine barriers though this has not yet resulted in speciation. Future studies focused on species with different life histories, including species restricted to non-flooded forests, are need to further advance our understanding of Amazon rivers as drivers of biotic diversification.
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SNP dataset for Buchenavia oxycarpa