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Echolocation clicks and anthropogenic detections with neural network labels in Hawaiian Island HARP data from Kona, Kaua`i, and Pearl and Hermes Reef

Data files

Apr 14, 2022 version files 2.59 GB


This dataset consists of echolocation clicks and detections of anthropogenic signals at three sites in the Hawaiian Islands Archipelago. These sites are Hawaii/Hawaii_K, Kauai/KA, and Pearl and Hermes Reef/PHR. Echolocation clicks were grouped into 5 minute bins, for which summary data is provided. Files are in .mat format that can be read using any desired coding language using a netcdf reading script. Files are separated by site, deployment, and neural network class (i.e. sitedeployment_cbins_class or site_deployment_cbins_class). Manual labels are provided.