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Predicting body mass in Ruminantia using postcranial measurements

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Dec 27, 2024 version files 703.08 KB


Size plays an important role in mammalian ecology. Accurate prediction of body mass is therefore critical for inferring aspects of ecology in extinct mammals. The unique digestive physiology of extant ruminant artiodactyls, in particular, is suggested to place constraints on their body mass depending on the type of food resources available. Therefore, reliable body mass estimates could provide insight into habitat preferences of extinct ruminants. While most regression equations proposed thus far have used craniodental predictors, which for ungulates may produce misleading estimates based on indirect relationships between tooth dimensions and size, post-cranial bones support the body and may be more accurate predictors of body mass. Here, I use phylogenetically informed bivariate and multiple regression techniques to establish predictive equations for body mass in 101 species of extant ruminant artiodactyls based on 56 post-cranial measurements. Within limb elements, stepwise multiple regression models were typically preferred, though bivariate models often received comparable support based on AIC scores. The globally preferred model for predicting mass is a model including both proximal and distal width of the humerus, though several models from the radioulna received comparable support. In general, widths of long bones were good predictors, while lengths and midshaft circumferences were not. Finally, I show that where the best elements for prediction are unavailable for fossil taxa, selection of the model with lowest perecent prediction error for the lowest level clade to which the fossil can be assigned could be a productive and novel way forward for predicting mass and subsequently aspects of ecology in fossil mammals.